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Home » How Iran became the arena in the Hamas-Israel war… What will happen in the Middle East after the end of Haniyya?

How Iran became the arena in the Hamas-Israel war… What will happen in the Middle East after the end of Haniyya?

Last Updated on 31/07/2024 by wccexam Desk

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyya has been killed in Iran’s capital Tehran. Ismail Haniyya was the head of Hamas’ political wing. Hamas has confirmed Haniyya’s death.

Ismail Haniyeh attended the swearing-in ceremony of Iran’s new President Masoud Pezeshkian on Tuesday. He also met Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Hamas said that on Wednesday morning, Haniya’s house in Tehran was blown up, in which she died. Hamas has blamed Israel for this. Hamas leader Musa Abu Marzouk said that Haniya’s death will not go in vain. He also called Haniya’s murder a cowardly step.

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However, nothing has been said on this from Israel’s side so far. However, Israeli Minister Amichay Netanyahu said that Haniya’s death makes the world a little better. He said, ‘This is the right way to clean the filth from the world. No compromise. No mercy.’

How did the attack happen?

Ismail Haniya was living in Doha, the capital of Qatar since 2019. He had gone to Tehran to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Iran’s new President Masooz Pezeshkian.

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) has issued a statement confirming Haniya’s death. IRGC issued a statement saying, ‘Ismail Haniya’s residence in Tehran was attacked this morning, killing him and one of his bodyguards.’

However, no information has been given about when and how this attack happened. IRGC said that it is being investigated. Meanwhile, Iran’s news agency said that the attack took place at around 2:30 in the night.

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At the same time, Israel has not said anything about this yet. It is being told that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered all his ministers not to comment on this. Ismail Haniya met Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on July 30. (Photo credit: Social media)

How did Iran become a battleground?

Israel and Iran have long been engaged in a ‘shadow war’ with each other. Both have often attacked each other without taking responsibility. But the Hamas war has also made Iran a battlefield.

Relations between Israel and Iran have worsened since the war with Hamas began. Iran has often denied that it knew in advance about the Hamas attack on October 7. Whereas, Israel has accused Iran of supporting Hamas.

Not only Hamas, Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Yemen’s Houthi rebels also have Iran’s support. Apart from these, some groups from Iraq and Syria have also received Iran’s support. All of them are against Israel in the war with Hamas.

Just 10 days after the war with Hamas began, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had threatened that if Israel’s bombing continues, the Muslims and the resistance forces will become uncontrollable and then no one will be able to stop them. Khamenei had warned to stop the bombing of Gaza immediately.

On December 18 last year, Iran was attacked by a cyber attack. Due to this cyber attack, 70 percent of Iran’s fuel stations stopped functioning. Iran blamed Israel for this.

On December 25, Iranian media claimed that Israel had bombed the outskirts of the Syrian capital Damascus, killing IRGC’s top commander Razi Mousavi. After this, on January 15, Iran fired ballistic missiles at the post of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad in Erbil, northern Iraq. Four people were killed and six were injured in this attack.

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However, the tension between the two increased much more in April. In fact, on April 1, Israel attacked the Iranian Consulate in Damascus. IRGC Brigadier Mohammad Reza Zahedi was also killed in this attack. Then on April 13, Iran attacked Israel with more than 300 drones and missiles. However, Israel claimed that it had shot down 99 percent of Iran’s missiles and drones. Whereas, Iran said that its objective has been accomplished and there is no need to attack anymore.

What will Iran do now?

In April this year, tensions escalated when Israel attacked Iran’s consulate in the Syrian capital Damascus. In retaliation, Iran attacked Israel with more than 300 drones.

But now the danger of an even bigger war seems to be looming. The reason for this is that Ismail Haniya’s death is a big blow for Iran as well. Haniya was Iran’s guest and it has failed to protect him. It is believed that Iran will definitely retaliate for this.

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasir Kanani said that Ismail Haniya’s death will not go in vain. Kanani said, Haniya’s martyrdom will make the relationship between Iran, Palestine and the Resistance Forces stronger and unbreakable than before.

According to news agency Reuters, after Haniya’s death, Iran’s Supreme National Security Council has called a meeting. IRGC commanders will also be present in this meeting. In this meeting, it will be decided how and what response should be given to the attack. Ismail Haniya. (File photo-Reuters)

Such murders have happened in Iran before

This is not the first time that Israel has been accused of killing someone on Iranian soil. Iran has accused Israel of such a crime several times before Haniya.

In the year 2021, Iran’s top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was killed with a remote control weapon. After this, IRGC Colonel Sayad Khodaei was also killed in May 2022. Iran blamed Israel for both these murders.

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What impact might the current tension have?

The death of Ismail Haniya is being considered the most important Israeli operation after October 7. Although Ismail Haniya was not militarily important, he was considered an important person for the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

CNN’s foreign policy expert Barak Ravid says that the death of Ismail Haniyeh will definitely impact the ongoing talks between Israel and Hamas.

Due to this, the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza can become more dangerous. Hamas says that Haniya’s death will not go in vain. It is believed that after Haniya’s death, Hamas can now target Israel more strongly than before. Not only this, Hamas will now want Iran to directly join this war, because this will increase the pressure on Israel. If Iran also joins this war, then Hamas hopes that it will get its tough conditions accepted in the ceasefire agreement.

At the same time, tensions have once again increased in the Middle East and the risk of a major war has increased. However, US Defense Minister Lloyd Austin says that at present there is no risk of war in the Middle East. He also said that if Iran attacks, America will help Israel.

Some experts believe that Iran will avoid a direct war with Israel. Many extremist organizations in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza Strip have the support of Iran, which is known as ‘proxy’. If the tension increases, Iran can increase the proxy war against Israel.

For now, the murder of Ismail Haniya has acted as a spark in the burning Middle East. Iran has called a meeting of the Security Council. Israel, on the other hand, has not said anything on this till now. Now the biggest question is what does Iran do?

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