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How did Lieutenant Nachiketa get trapped in PAK’s captivity during the Kargil War? Endured immense torture, Exclusive interview

On the completion of 25 years of Kargil Vijay Diwas, the country is remembering the martyrdom of brave soldiers. Meanwhile, Aaj Tak had an exclusive interview with Kargil War hero Lieutenant Nachiketa in Drass itself. Aaj Tak learned from him how he got trapped in Pakistan’s captivity and what he had to endure during his captivity.

Lieutenant Nachiketa told Aaj Tak that when the Kargil operation had just started, he was flying a Mig-27 fighter aircraft. His squadron consisted of 4 aircraft, which had received an order to destroy a target. At that time, the speed of his aircraft was around 900 kilometers per hour. When we fire a rocket at this speed, the entire program from pressing the button to firing is completed in one minute.

The attack was done at a speed of 900

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Lieutenant Nachiketa told that they had to do a dive pattern attack, in which they dive over the target and then fire rockets at a speed of 900. After this, they turn the plane and come back to their place. He did the same along with his leader. While returning after the attack, our plane was climbing upwards. During this time, their engine flamed out. At that time, fighter jets did not have two engines like today’s modern aircraft.

Lieutenant Nachiketa was warmly welcomed by the then President K R Narayanan and Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. (File Photo)

After getting ejected he reached the captivity of PAK

There is a procedure to restart the engine after it flames out. Lieutenant Nachiketa completed that procedure. But due to the high altitude, the engine did not restart. Then he saw that his fighter jet was rapidly approaching the mountains. He asked to eject immediately. If he had not done so, the plane could have hit the mountain and he got ejected.

Pakistan tortured in every way

After ejection, his parachute landed in the area under Pakistani control. 4 to 5 Pakistani soldiers arrived there. Lieutenant Nachiketa had a micro pistol at that time, which had 8 firing rounds. After his firing was over, Pakistani soldiers captured him. In Pakistani captivity, he was tortured a lot, both physically and mentally. He was tortured a lot to get intelligence information. But he did not speak even a single word. Then he started thinking that death would have been easier than this.


How was Nachiketa released from prison?

During the Kargil war, Nachiketa was posted in the ninth squadron of the Indian Army. This squadron was posted in the war-torn Batalik sector. During the Kargil war, Indian Air Force fighter pilot Nachiketa was assigned the task of flying MIG 27 in ‘Operation Safed Sagar’ run by the Indian Air Force. He was 26 years old at that time. It was the date of 27 May. When Nachiketa was given the responsibility of firing rockets at an altitude of 17 thousand feet. Where he fired 80mm rockets from a height of 17 feet. Meanwhile, the engine of his aircraft MIG 27 malfunctioned. After which he had to eject. He came down with the help of a parachute. The place where he landed was the Pakistani border. Where he was surrounded by the Pakistani Army.

Soon the Pakistani army took him prisoner and sent him to Rawalpindi jail. After which the Pakistani army tortured him both physically and mentally for 3 to 4 days continuously. The Pakistani army was trying to extract information about the Indian army from him, but he refused to tell anything. Pakistan had already lost to India during the Kargil war. In such a situation, the news of Nachiketa imprisoned in Pakistan was making headlines in the international media. After which a lot of pressure was put on Pakistan and after just 8 days the Pakistani army handed over Nachiketa to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

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