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How dangerous is AI? Former employee of ChatGPT maker company wrote an Open Letter, revealing the dangers

If we talk about the top AI companies, OpenAI’s name will definitely come up. This company has developed ChatGPT, which is a very popular advanced artificial intelligence system. Now a former employee of OpenAI has written an open letter, in which he has talked about the dangers of generative AI.

While he talked about the benefits of AI, he also listed its serious dangers. First let’s talk about the benefits. With the help of AI, many great benefits can be seen, with the help of which the medical sector will get unprecedented benefits. Apart from this, it will also be beneficial in making technology smart.

There can be many losses due to AI

Now let’s talk about some of its serious dangers. He told that many employees are worried about the expansion of AI in the coming days. It will increase social inequalities, can promote fake news. Also, if we lose control over AI, it can prove to be very dangerous. It can also prove to be a big threat to humans.

Also read: What is the new AI chat bot Hanuman, know how is this app different from ChatGPT?

Said, most people know the dangers of AI

He wrote that AI companies, experts and governments around the world are aware of this danger. The former employee has also highlighted a major problem in his letter, in which he said that the government currently does not have any system to monitor AI.

Also read: ChatGPT stopped working amid election results, users have been complaining for an hour

This is how we can create safe AI

The former employee’s open letter said that AI companies should work together with the government and scientists so that it can be developed in a safe manner. In such a situation, the dangers created by AI can be reduced. There are many generative AIs including ChatGPT, Gemini, which are helping users in their work. However, they are learning human work so fast that many experts have expressed concern that will these not become a big threat to human jobs in the coming days?


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