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Hostage families protest during Netanyahu’s US visit, demand for agreement

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is on a US visit. He is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress on Wednesday. Families of those held hostage in Gaza marched in Tel Aviv on Tuesday (July 23) and demanded an immediate agreement to bring back the hostages.

Protesters chanted slogans and marched, urging Netanyahu to announce a hostage deal during his address to the US Congress.

‘We have full hope…’

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“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is going to give his speech in front of Congress and we are hopeful that tomorrow he will give us all a chance to feel good again and tell us that an agreement is being reached,” Shai Dickman, a cousin of 39-year-old Israeli hostage Carmel Gat, was quoted as saying by the agency.

The protest is one of others being organised this week as Netanyahu travels to Washington, where he is expected to meet US President Joe Biden after addressing Congress.

‘Hamas holds 120 Israeli civilians’

The Israeli offensive in Gaza began on October 7 after Hamas-led fighters crossed into southern Israel. According to Israeli figures, 1,200 people were killed and 250 taken hostage during this period. Hamas and other militants still hold 120 people hostage. Israel believes that about a third of them are dead.

Shai Dickman, cousin of hostage Carmel Gat, said that yesterday we were told that Yagaev (35) and Alex (75) were murdered in Hamas custody. Now we know that it is too late to make any deal to bring them back safely. There are still 120 people who have to come back to us. I am personally waiting for my beautiful cousin Carmel Gat, who was kidnapped at the age of 39 and is now 40 years old and is still held captive by militants in Gaza.

A relative of another hostage said, “We have come to protest demanding our Prime Minister to bring the hostages back home as soon as possible and sign the agreement which has been pending for many months. We want him to stop postponing the agreement, sign it and bring our loved ones back home.”

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