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Hillary Clinton Endorses Kamala Harris for President, Declines 2024 Run

Hillary Clinton Endorses Kamala Harris for President, Declines 2024 Run

Last Updated on 22/07/2024 by wccexam Desk

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has officially announced that she will not be running for president in the upcoming 2024 election. Instead, she, along with former President Bill Clinton, has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee. This significant endorsement follows President Joe Biden’s recent decision to withdraw from the race and support Harris as his successor.

The Endorsement

In a joint statement released shortly after Biden’s announcement, the Clintons expressed their commitment to supporting Harris, stating, “We are honored to join the President in endorsing Vice President Harris and will do whatever we can to support her” . They emphasized the urgency of the moment, saying, “Now is the time to support Kamala Harris and fight with everything we’ve got to elect her” . The Clintons praised Biden’s accomplishments during his presidency, highlighting his efforts in recovering from the pandemic and strengthening the economy.

Context of Biden’s Withdrawal

Biden’s exit from the presidential race marks a pivotal moment in the 2024 election landscape. His decision, made public on July 21, 2024, came as a surprise to many, given the proximity to the election. The Clintons’ endorsement of Harris is seen as a strategic move to unify the Democratic Party and maintain momentum against potential Republican challengers, particularly former President Donald Trump, whom they cited as a significant threat to the country .

Kamala Harris’s Campaign

Following the endorsements, Harris declared her candidacy for president, vowing to build on Biden’s legacy and unite the Democratic Party. She expressed gratitude for the support from the Clintons and others, indicating her readiness to lead the party into the election . Harris’s campaign is expected to focus on key issues such as economic recovery, healthcare, and social justice, aiming to resonate with a diverse electorate.

Hillary Clinton’s decision not to run for president and her endorsement of Kamala Harris represent a significant shift in the Democratic landscape as the party prepares for the 2024 election. With the backing of prominent figures like the Clintons, Harris is positioned to galvanize support and present a strong challenge to Republican candidates in the upcoming election.