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Here you can get a diamond mine for Rs 200, if you find even one diamond you will become a millionaire overnight

A news has come from Panna in Madhya Pradesh that a laborer has found a diamond while mining there. The price of the diamond is said to be 80 lakhs and it can fetch even higher rates in the auction. The special thing is that the laborer had the lease for the excavation at the place where the diamond was found and he had set up this mine only two months ago.

Yes, if you want to buy a diamond mine in Panna, the city of diamonds, you can get its lease for just Rs 200. You can dig by paying Rs 200. Also, it is quite common to find precious diamonds here and often diamonds are found here and people become millionaires overnight.

You must be wondering how one can get a diamond mine lease for Rs 200, so let us tell you how this is possible. Along with this, we will tell you the entire process of how a diamond mine lease is taken in Panna and who has the right over the diamond after it is mined and how much money is earned.

What is the story of the laborer?

The labourer whose luck has shined in Panna is named Raju Gond. Raj Gond’s father Chunwada God had taken the lease from the diamond office two months ago. Actually Raju is a tractor driver and also works in the mine. Now Raju has found a sparkling gem quality diamond in the excavation, which is worth Rs 80 lakh and can fetch a higher price in the auction. His diamond lease is in Krishna Kalyanpur Patti area. This is a big diamond of 19 carat 22 cents.

How much does one get a diamond mining lease?

According to the information given by the Diamond Officer’s Office, any person can dig to find diamonds in Panna and for this a lease has to be taken. This lease is taken from the Diamond Office, which is in Panna. This lease is obtained by submitting a photo, Aadhar card and a fee of two hundred rupees. This is available for one year and after that a lease has to be taken again.

Then how can we find a diamond?

To find diamonds, a place of 8 x 8 meters is allotted by the office, where digging can be done. There are many types of mines here, including government mines. This land can belong to any person and the government also gives land. The special thing is that after digging in this lease, soil has to be put back in the land of that place and if a diamond is found, then only the diamond can be taken out and the rest of the soil has to be put back in the same pit.

If a diamond is found, how is it sold?

Suppose a diamond is found in someone’s mine, that diamond has to be deposited in the diamond office located in Panna Joint Collectorate and after that it is weighed and deposited. After this, the government conducts an auction after some time, in which diamonds are sold. A fee of Rs 5000 is charged for the auction. After this, after the diamond is sold, the diamond officer transfers the remaining 80 percent amount to the account of the diamond holder leaseholder after deducting about 12 percent royalty from the amount received from the auction.

How many diamonds are found in Panna?

There are many mines in the 80 km area of ​​Panna, white, off colour and Coca Cola colour diamonds are found here. Off colour is also called dirty and auction is done on their basis. People often find diamonds in the mine here and many times diamonds worth 2-3 crores have also been found.

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