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Heartbreaking Tragedy: Mother Recounts Israeli Soldiers’ Brutal Attack on Her Autistic Son in Gaza

Heartbreaking Tragedy: Mother Recounts Israeli Soldiers' Brutal Attack on Her Autistic Son in Gaza

Heartbreaking Tragedy: Mother Recounts Israeli Soldiers' Brutal Attack on Her Autistic Son in Gaza

Nabila Ahmed Bhar, the mother of a 24-year-old Palestinian man with Down syndrome and autism, has recounted a heart-wrenching story of her son’s brutal attack and subsequent death at the hands of Israeli soldiers. The incident occurred on June 27, 2024, when Israeli troops stormed the family’s home in eastern Gaza City’s Shujaiya neighborhood, under the cover of heavy air strikes.

According to Bhar, the family was hiding in their home when Israeli soldiers arrived, unleashing a combat dog that immediately attacked her son, Mohammed. The dog bit his chest and mauled his arm, causing Mohammed to scream in pain and horror. Despite her pleas to the soldiers to remove the dog, they did not intervene, and Mohammed was left to suffer and die.

For the next seven days, the family contacted the Red Cross daily, pleading for Mohammed’s release or medical treatment. However, the Israeli army refused to cooperate, and the family was left helpless. When Jebril, Mohammed’s older brother, returned to the house after the soldiers left, he found Mohammed’s body covered in blood and fluids, with worms eating his face. The body had begun to decompose, indicating that Mohammed had died several days earlier.

This incident is not an isolated case. The Israeli military has been accused of using combat dogs to attack and maul civilians, including elderly Palestinians. A leaked video from Al Jazeera showed an Israeli military dog biting and dragging an elderly Palestinian woman in her home in Gaza’s Jabalia refugee camp.

The family’s ordeal highlights the devastating impact of the ongoing conflict in Gaza. With hospitals not operating and roads devastated by Israeli bombardment, it was impossible for the family to call an ambulance or transport Mohammed’s body to a cemetery. Jebril was forced to bury his brother near their house, in a small space between their home and his uncle’s.

Bhar’s story is a stark reminder of the human cost of the conflict and the need for immediate action to protect civilians, especially those with disabilities. The Israeli military’s use of combat dogs to attack and maul civilians is a violation of international humanitarian law and must be addressed urgently.

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