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He became a millionaire at the age of 20, bought a Ferrari… then everything ended! The veteran businessman told his story

Everyone earns money, but not everyone knows how to manage it over time. At the same time, some such incidents also happen, due to which wealth worth billions is wiped out in a moment. You must have heard many such stories that earlier someone had wealth worth billions, but within no time that person became poor. Now a story related to this has been shared by Short Tank judge Anupam Mittal.

Anupam Mittal, judge of Short Tank India and founder of, told how he became a millionaire at the age of 20, but he lost everything and then started everything afresh. Mittal has shared this story on social media. In this story, he talked about the dot com bubble, which burst in the early 2000s.

Startups opened and when the bubble burst, they closed down
Anupam Mittal said that the value of the startup ecosystem increased rapidly after the dot com bubble was adopted as the ‘World Wide Web’. Many startups opened and wealth worth crores of rupees was created, which made many millionaires. But then the bubble burst in such a way that the ecosystem suffered huge losses, due to which many startups closed down. Businessmen got into huge debts.

Even after becoming a millionaire, everything ended
Recalling his experience of that period, Mittal said that I became a millionaire in my early 20s. But I lost everything in the dot com bubble of the 2000s. At that time I was a part of MicroStrategy, whose valuation had reached $40 billion. He said that life in America seemed like a dream. I also ordered a Ferrari, but as quickly as it came, it all disappeared. As soon as the dot com bubble burst, the money also disappeared. In fact, I got drowned in huge debt.

Started a new innings with
He said that after losing everything, he returned to India in 2003 and all he had were memories of winning and losing. After losing, I got more courage and decided to start another dot com venture – (among other ventures like and Mauj Mobile). The domain was worth $25,000 and we had only $30,000 left. People criticized it a lot and questioned my business sense, but I did not listen to anyone and put everything at stake. I thought this would prove to be a game changer and that is what happened.

Mittal said that despite criticism and negative people, he found the courage to move ahead and in turn changed the fortunes of all those around him. He said that it was never about the money but about the ability to prove that he can rise even from the ashes.


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