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Hanumam Ashtak Path: Recite Hanumanashtak every Tuesday, you will get relief from all troubles

Hanuman Ashtak Path: According to the beliefs of Hinduism, by worshipping Hanuman ji, all the troubles of a person are averted. Sankatmochan Hanumanashtak was composed by Goswami Tulsidas. It is said that by reciting Sankatmochan Hanumanashtak, a person gets relief from every obstacle and pain and all his troubles are also removed.

Recitation of Hanumanashtak

When the sun was consumed in childhood,
All three worlds were engulfed in darkness.
The world was terrified by that,
This crisis is not the end of the race.
Then the gods came and prayed,
Ravi, leave me and get rid of my troubles.
Who does not know the ape in the world,
Sankatmochan name Tiharo.

Bali’s tras kapis settled down,
Look at the Jat Mahaprabhu sect.
Surprised, the sage gave the snake,
Who needs any idea, think carefully.
Mahaprabhu took the form of a Brahmin,
So you please alleviate the sorrow of this slave.

Sita went to take him along with Angad,
Search for this ban.
We will not survive,
Binu Sudhi brings Pagu here.
Look at the tired banks of Sindhu again,
Bring to mind Siya and save my life.

Ravana frightened Sita,
Tell this demon to relieve your grief.
At that time Lord Hanuman,
Go and kill Maha Rajnichar.
Seeya wants fire from Ashoka,
This Prabhumudrika should be prevented from getting wet.

Then Lakshmana was shot with an arrow,
Son Ravana sacrificed his life and killed him.
Sushin brought home Baidya,
Then Drona fell down bravely.
Then Sanjeevani gave me his hand,
You save the life of Lakshman.

Then Ravan started the war unaware,
Trap all the snake heads.
All the parties including Shri Raghunath,
Illusions This crisis is overwhelming.
When Hanuman comes,
Cut the bonds and remove the fear.

When Ahiravan is with his brother,
Take Raghunath and go to the underworld.
Worship the goddess and offer sacrifice as per the rituals,
Let everyone think about the mantra.
Only when he was helped,
Kill Ahiravan along with his army.

You have done great work for the gods,
Think about Veer Mahaprabhu.
What trouble does this poor man face,
Which you cannot handle, move ahead.
Hanuman Mahaprabhu, please remove me,
If any trouble occurs to us.

॥ Couplet
The red body glows red,
And hold the red monkey.
Vajra body demon slaying,
Hail Hail Hail Ape Sur.


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