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Handcuffed and with a policeman by his side… the prisoner reached Taj Mahal in a van and said- ‘Please! Let me go inside’

In Agra, Uttar Pradesh, a Haryana policeman reached Taj Mahal with a prisoner handcuffed. During this time, the policeman did not even hold the prisoner. Both the policeman and the prisoner were walking together. However, the prisoner and the policeman did not get entry into the Taj Mahal. The video of this incident is becoming very viral on social media.

A video of a handcuffed prisoner at the eastern gate of the Taj Mahal trying to get inside is also going viral. During this, the prisoner was telling the security personnel to please let him in. This incident shocked the tourists and employees present there. However, ASI employees stopped the prisoner from entering the Taj Mahal. Other policemen were also present with the prisoner.

When a prisoner arrived to see the Taj Mahal with policemen handcuffed, people were surprised because neither the policemen held his handcuffs nor was he kept under any other kind of restriction. The prisoner kept walking comfortably under the open sky.

When people saw this scene, they made a video of it and posted it on social media. After which this matter has become a topic of discussion. Now Haryana Police is investigating this matter. A senior officer said that we are investigating the matter and finding out the facts. Officers say that this is a disciplinary issue and the District SP will take action after their identity is confirmed.

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