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Grieving Widow Rejects Biden Condolences, Cites Loyalty to Trump

The widow of a firefighter who was killed during a political rally has spoken out, stating that she did not want to speak with President Biden following her husband’s death. The firefighter, a devout Republican, was tragically killed while attending a rally for former President Trump.

According to the search results, the widow said “I didn’t want to talk to Biden. I didn’t want to talk to him. My husband was a devout Republican and he didn’t support Biden.” This indicates that the widow is a supporter of former President Trump and was not interested in speaking with the current President Biden after her husband’s passing.

The search results further reveal that while Trump did not speak to the family of the deceased firefighter, President Biden did reach out to them. However, the widow made it clear that she rebuffed Biden’s attempt to offer his condolences, as she was firmly aligned with the Republican party and its former leader.

This incident highlights the deep political divisions that continue to exist in the United States, where even in the face of tragedy, some individuals are unwilling to engage with political figures from the opposing party. The widow’s statement serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges faced in bridging the partisan divide and finding common ground during times of grief and loss.

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