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Frying samosas during the day, studying at night…now 18-year-old Sunny from Noida will become a doctor

Sunny has a samosa shop in Noida. Every evening he used to feed people crispy samosas made in hot oil and on the other hand he dreamed of becoming a doctor. While selling samosas, Sunny continued his studies and proved his hard work by scoring 664 marks in a tough exam like NEET. Alakh Pandey, founder of Physicswala, has shared Sunny’s video and showed his achievement to the world.

Inspiration from mother and friends

Sunny Kumar has overcome difficult circumstances and scored 664 marks in NEET. Despite financial problems and family challenges, he maintained a balance between studies and work. Sunny said that he got this inspiration from his mother and friends. His journey is a ray of hope for those students who want to prove something in the medical field. 18-year-old Sunny Kumar used to manage his samosa shop along with his studies. He told that after finishing school, he used to run his shop and then study till late night.

Notes stuck on the walls of the room

Sunny has prepared for NEET through Physics Wala’s course. Sharing his story on social media, it was told how Sunny has achieved this position on the basis of his hard work. The video shows the room of Sunny Kumar who passed the NEET UG exam. In this video footage, study notes are clearly visible on the walls of Sunny’s room. When asked if these are short notes, Sunny says that all the topics have been covered in it.

I used to get pain in my eyes while studying, still I did not give up my studies

Talking about his interest in the medical field, Kumar (Sunny Kumar), a resident of Noida, said that many times he used to study all night until his eyes started hurting. He said that when he took medicine, the eye pain would go away. Then after seeing medicine, he got interested in understanding how people get well, so he took up biology. He further says that selling samosas will not tell my future. Seeing Sunny’s struggle, the coaching institute gave him a scholarship of Rs 6 lakh, and has promised to pay the tuition fees of medical college.


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