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Fourth case of Mpox found in Pakistan, all patients had returned from abroad, surveillance increased at airport

Another MPOX patient has been found in Pakistan, so far four patients of MPOX virus have been found in the neighboring country. The fourth patient has been found in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province. Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Health Director Dr. Irshad Ali Roghani said that the medical team at Peshawar Airport sent the patient (fourth case) to the Police and Services Hospital (PSH) after symptoms of the virus were found during screening. Roghani said that the Quick Response Team went to the hospital and took samples of the patient and sent it to the laboratory. After the report came out, it was confirmed that the patient is suffering from the MPOX virus. However, the patient’s condition is stable.

According to PTI, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa health officials said four cases of Ampox have been detected so far, all of them have returned from abroad and no local case has been reported so far.

Apart from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, health officials said on August 19 that a 47-year-old man from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, who had recently returned from Saudi Arabia, was admitted to the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) due to symptoms of ampox. Dr. Naseem Akhtar said that the patient had symptoms of ampox and he has been kept in a special ward of PIMS. However, it was not clear whether the patient was confirmed to have ampox virus or not.

At the same time, a patient in Karachi was kept in a special ward after showing symptoms of the ampox virus, although he was later discharged. However, there is confusion about how many ampox patients have been found in Pakistan so far. But the health officer of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has claimed that a total of 4 ampox patients have been found in the country.

Pakistan has taken precautionary measures to deal with the spread of the Ampox virus. A strict security system has been implemented at the airport as it has been revealed that all the patients infected with the Ampox virus had returned from abroad.


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