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Former Pakistan PM Imran Khan Claims Inhumane Prison Conditions

Former Pakistan PM Imran Khan Claims Inhumane Prison Conditions
Former Pakistan PM Imran Khan Claims Inhumane Prison Conditions
'Locked in cages like terrorists, denied human rights in 'death cell'': Former Pakistan PM Imran Khan makes shocking claim.

In a rare interview from behind bars, former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has made shocking claims about his imprisonment, stating that he is being “locked in a 7ft by 8ft death cell, typically reserved for terrorists to ensure they have no contact with anyone”. Khan, who has been in a maximum-security prison for almost a year, says he is under constant surveillance, denied basic prisoner and human rights, and kept in solitary confinement with barely any space to move.

The 71-year-old former cricket star has been convicted on three charges – corruption for allegedly selling state gifts, treason for leaking state documents, and illegal and un-Islamic marriage. His third wife, Bushra, is also in jail.

Khan’s lawyers conducted the interview because he is not allowed pencil and paper. He insists he will be back, saying “Despite being caged, the entire country looks to me for hope and resilience. Most importantly, my prayers keep me steadfast, my belief in God assures me that justice will prevail over tyranny.”

A UN working group on human rights has declared Khan’s incarceration arbitrary and in violation of international law, demanding his immediate release. The group says Khan’s legal woes are part of a “much larger campaign of repression” against him and his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party.

Khan maintains that the charges against him are politically motivated, intended to disqualify him from running for political office. His party hailed the UN working group’s conclusions, renewing demands for his immediate release.

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