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Former Pakistan PM Imran Khan and Wife Bushra Bibi Acquitted of Unlawful Marriage Charges

A Pakistani court has acquitted former Prime Minister Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi of charges related to an unlawful marriage.

In February 2024, Khan and his wife were sentenced to seven years in prison for breaking Islamic law by failing to observe the required interval between Bushra Bibi’s divorce from a previous marriage and her marriage to Khan.

However, on July 13, 2024, a court in the capital Islamabad overturned the previous conviction and acquitted the couple. The judge stated that if there are no other pending cases against them, Khan and Bushra Bibi should be released from jail immediately.

This acquittal comes a day after Khan’s political party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), gained more seats in parliament, putting pressure on the country’s fragile government. The PTI has stated that there are no more charges that should keep Khan behind bars after this latest ruling.

However, it remains unclear if Khan and his wife will actually be released, as he is named as an accused party in several other ongoing cases, including one related to violence against the state. The PTI has warned that keeping Khan in jail despite the acquittal in this case would lead to another political crisis.

Overall, this court decision represents a significant development in the ongoing legal and political saga surrounding the former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan.

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