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Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel Accused of Spying for Denmark

In a shocking turn of events, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been accused of spying for Denmark. However, there’s a catch – Merkel herself was the target of the alleged espionage activities.

According to recent reports, Denmark’s Defense Intelligence Service (FE) collaborated with the US National Security Agency (NSA) to spy on European politicians, including Merkel, between 2012 and 2014. The NSA is said to have accessed text messages, phone conversations, and internet traffic of prominent figures by tapping into Danish internet cables in cooperation with the FE.

Merkel, who served as Chancellor from 2005 to 2021, was reportedly unaware of Denmark’s involvement in the spying operations until the revelations surfaced. Her spokesperson confirmed that the German government had taken note of the reporting and was in contact with relevant authorities for clarification.

Reactions and Implications

The allegations have sparked outrage among European officials. France’s Europe Minister Clément Beaune stated that “between allies, there must be trust, a minimal cooperation.” Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg called the reported spying “unacceptable.”

Former German Vice Chancellor Peer Steinbrück, who was also a target of the alleged surveillance, described the activities as a “political scandal.” Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor who exposed the vast US surveillance operation in 2013, accused US President Joe Biden of being “deeply involved” in the scandal and called for “full public disclosure.”

The revelations could further strain relations between Germany and its allies, particularly Denmark, which has been a close partner of Germany within the European Union. The spying allegations also raise questions about the extent of US surveillance operations and the level of trust between European nations.

Merkel’s Response and Legacy

Merkel, who has largely avoided media attention since her retirement, has not yet commented on the allegations. During her time as Chancellor, she was frequently referred to as the de facto leader of the European Union and the most powerful woman in the world.

Despite the shocking nature of the accusations, it is important to note that Merkel herself was the target of the alleged espionage activities, not the perpetrator. The former Chancellor has a reputation for her commitment to democracy, human rights, and international cooperation, which makes the idea of her engaging in spying activities highly unlikely.

As the dust settles on this latest political scandal, the focus will likely shift to the implications for European security and intelligence cooperation, as well as the ongoing debate about the balance between national security and individual privacy in the digital age.

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