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For normal delivery, a quack doctor gave 8 injections and then took the newborn in a tempo on potholed roads, the newborn died

A major negligence of the health department has come to light in Ghazipur district of Uttar Pradesh. Here a quack doctor first gave eight injections one after the other to a pregnant woman for normal delivery and then made the woman sit in a tempo and roam on potholed roads for an hour. Even after this, when the woman did not have a normal delivery, he asked the woman to go to another hospital. By the time the woman was delivered through a surgery in the second hospital, the newborn had died.

Anita Devi, a resident of Khudabakshpur village of the district, was taken to a clinic in Chhatma village after she suffered labour pains. There, doctor DK Gautam gave her eight consecutive injections in the name of delivery. Even after that, when there was no labour pain, he made the pregnant woman lie down in an auto and drove her on potholed roads for an hour. He said that after jolting in the potholes, pressure would build up and delivery would take place, but when the delivery did not take place despite keeping her in the clinic till evening, he sent her to Jeevandeep Health Care Centre, which was running without registration in Hardaspur Khurd, a place known to him.

death of a newborn child born through operation

Here, Doctor Kamlesh Chauhan first asked for a normal delivery and called a nearby quack lady doctor to perform a normal delivery, then seeing the condition getting worse, he said that he would do an operation after midnight and asked for 25 thousand rupees. When the doctor assured to keep both the mother and the child healthy, the family agreed for the operation. After the operation at 2 o’clock in the night, a boy was born, but he died shortly after.

Woman’s health deteriorated, referred to district hospital

The hospital staff first hid the information about the death of the newborn from the mother saying that the newborn has been sent to another hospital for treatment, but when a crowd gathered in the hospital, the mother also came to know about this incident. When the condition of the mother deteriorated, she was sent to the district hospital by ambulance. The family has filed a case with the police in this matter. Dullapur police station in-charge KP Singh said that the body of the newborn has been sent for post-mortem. Further action will be taken after the report comes.


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