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Home » Farmers’ Protest: Even after the Supreme Court’s order, the danger of Delhi becoming hostage has not been averted

Farmers’ Protest: Even after the Supreme Court’s order, the danger of Delhi becoming hostage has not been averted

Last Updated on 26/07/2024 by Ankita Jain

In the case of farmers camped on the border of Haryana and Punjab, the Supreme Court on Wednesday made it clear that the border will not be opened. Earlier, the Punjab-Haryana High Court had ordered the opening of the border. After which groups of farmers started marching from Punjab to Delhi. That is, it has become clear that Shambhu border will not be opened right now. Leave aside Shambhu border, there has been a problem in coming and going from here since February due to the gathering of farmers on the Sindhu border of Delhi-Haryana. It is possible that once again all the lanes of the Sindhu border may also be closed. Only one lane should be kept open for coming and going. It is clear that the same problems are going to start again for those going to Chandigarh and Punjab. Farmers have been camping at the Shambhu border for a long time. The enthusiasm of the groups of farmers from Punjab and Haryana who stayed at the Shambhu border during the proposed march to Delhi in February has not diminished even after 160 days. About 500 people are still camped on the border connecting Haryana and Punjab. On 31 August, this protest will complete 200 days. Farmer organizations have appealed to all farmers to reach the border on this day. According to the picture that is emerging at the moment, once again danger is looming over Delhi. Even if the farmers settle down at Shambhu border, it will be a problem for Delhi. Delhi will be cut off from the states of North India. Due to increased difficulties in commuting, the production of factories is also affected. But the thing to think about is who is instigating the farmers?

1- Planning to sit on Shambhu border till Haryana elections

A day after the Supreme Court acknowledged the ‘trust deficit’ between the agitating farmers and the government and suggested the formation of a neutral panel to resolve the conflict, farmers at the Shambhu border say they are prepared for a long battle. A report published in The Hindu suggests that farmers have started gathering at the Shambhu border again. Farmer leaders once again see an opportunity in the form of the Haryana Assembly elections. Elections in Haryana are likely to be held in October. The farmers’ fight is with the central government, but the BJP is the ruling party in Haryana. Sukhwinder Kaur, a 57-year-old farmer from Bathinda, says that we have been forgotten during the Lok Sabha elections, now that elections are coming in Haryana, we will use this platform to raise our demands. We are not going anywhere.

According to reports, at least 500 farmers are present at the Shambhu border. But there are more than a thousand tents that are meant for protesters who come and go in batches. Idle tractors are covered with plastic sheets and have become storage for a long battle. Farmers have installed coolers and wall fans to escape the heat, but access to electricity is limited as only six transformers have been installed here. Internet is already banned.

2- According to Haryana’s Solicitor General, the situation is still very serious

On the petition filed by the Haryana government against the decision of the Punjab Haryana High Court to open the Shambhu border, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta said on behalf of the Haryana government that 500 tractor trolleys are present in armored form on the other side of the border i.e. on the Punjab side. These tractor trolleys want to go from Punjab to Delhi.

Tushar Mehta said that we cannot allow JCB and armored tractor trolleys on the national highway. JCB and tractors have been made as war tanks. We are not going into their residential part that they are installing AC in residential vehicles. We are concerned about the vehicles made as war tanks. 500-600 tractor trolleys are lying on Shambhu border. There are modified trolleys there.

However, the Supreme Court also reprimanded Tushar Mehta a lot. The Supreme Court said that if they come to Delhi without tractors, did you try to talk to them? Did you try to gain their confidence or win their trust? If you send a minister to talk to them, they will think that he is representing the government. Why are you not thinking of sending someone else?

3- Is the assurance given by Rahul Gandhi to the farmer leaders a deception?

Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday met a 12-member delegation of farmer union leaders. According to a report published in the Indian Express, Rahul Gandhi had called the farmer leaders to meet in the Parliament premises. Rahul assured the farmer leaders that he would explore all possibilities, including moving a private member’s bill, to ensure legal guarantee for MSP to farmers. In a meeting of about 45 minutes, the delegation of farmer leaders from Punjab, Haryana, UP, Telangana, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka apprised Gandhi of their issues, especially the long-pending demand for legal guarantee of Minimum Support Price (MSP). Gandhi assured the farmer leaders – representatives of Samyukta Kisan Morcha (non-political) and Kisan Mazdoor Morcha – that legal guarantee for MSP is their right and India Block will ensure that they get it.

Rahul Gandhi also says that he will put pressure on the government to ensure that farmers get a legal guarantee for MSP. Rahul Gandhi knows that the government is not going to guarantee MSP due to his pressure. Farmer leaders also understand that the Modi government is not going to guarantee MSP due to Rahul Gandhi’s pressure. Still such things are happening. This is the reason why the common people of the country feel that the Congress is provoking the farmers.

Rahul Gandhi tells the farmers that in our manifesto, there was a promise of giving MSP with legal guarantee. We have done an assessment and this can be done. But Rahul does not say that instead of troubling the people of Delhi, you people should bring Congress to power. If Congress forms the government at the center, then the party will guarantee MSP to the farmers. Rahul Gandhi also does not say that the Congress governments are going to guarantee MSP to the farmers of Karnataka, Himachal and Telangana. This is the reason why Rahul Gandhi’s meeting with the farmers comes under suspicion.

Congress General Secretary KC Venugopal posted about this meeting on X. But reading his words, one can imagine how the Congress leaders must have instigated the farmer leaders.

‘…Having been despised by the government, beaten with sticks and welcomed with bullets, these farmers have lost all hope from the government.’