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Exclusive: Congress’s job is only to make announcements, implementing schemes is not their capability… Finance Minister Sitharaman spoke on Times Now Navbharat

Nirmala Sitharaman Exclusive Interview: In an exclusive interview with Times Now Navbharat, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said, Congress party only knows how to make announcements. They do not have the ability to implement schemes on the ground. She said, Congress party talks about MNREGA and Aadhar and says that these are their schemes. But look at the CAG report, how many scams and frauds took place in MNREGA. Read more

Nirmala Sitharaman's special interview

Nirmala Sitharaman’s special interview

Nirmala Sitharaman’s special interview, After presenting the first general budget of Modi Government 3.0, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman spoke exclusively to Times Now Navbharat. In an interview to Times Now’s Group Editor-in-Chief Navika Kumar, she strongly attacked the Congress party. On the allegations of Congress party’s cut-copy paste, save the chair budget, Nirmala Sitharaman said that the Congress party should behave like a responsible opposition. I think that at the time of choosing the government, the opposition is also elected. The public has chosen them as the opposition.

On the allegation of copy-pasting the Congress manifesto in the budget, Sitharaman countered by saying that the Congress party only knows how to make announcements. They do not have the ability to implement the schemes on the ground. She said, the Congress party talks about MNREGA and Aadhaar and says that these are their schemes. But look at the CAG report, how many scams and frauds took place in MNREGA. Through Direct Benefit Transfer, PM Modi implemented the MNREGA scheme properly on the ground.

Challenged Congress on the pretext of Telangana and Himachal

Sitharaman said, during the assembly elections in Karnataka, Congress made free announcements (free seeds). Later, the CM’s advisor said that we do not have money to implement the schemes and if you want to implement these schemes then we will not have money for development schemes. The Finance Minister said, Congress party talks about its manifesto, but it has government in states like Telangana and Himachal. They should implement the schemes there.

Budget showing the way to developed India

Sitharaman spoke openly on the allegation of the budget giving relief to NDA allies. She said, whatever may be our numbers in the Parliament, but when the budget is made, it is made for the country. It is our responsibility whether the numbers are 240 or 303. She said, it is our job to take forward the vision given in the budget by adding to it. This budget is a budget that shows the way to the developed India mission.

Congress is behaving like an irresponsible opposition

Sitharaman said, Congress is a responsible party. At the time of choosing the government, the opposition is also elected. They reached from 50 to 99, but did not cross the figure of 100. The public has voted you to form a responsible opposition. Therefore, it is necessary to think about what a responsible opposition should be like. But the Congress party is behaving like an irresponsible opposition.

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