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Elon Musk Denies Reports of $45 Million Monthly Donation to Trump, Clarifies Support Through New Super PAC

Elon Musk has recently clarified that he is not donating $45 million per month to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, countering reports that surfaced in the media. The confusion arose after a Wall Street Journal article suggested that Musk intended to allocate this substantial sum to a new pro-Trump super PAC, known as the America PAC. The article cited unnamed sources familiar with the situation, which led to widespread speculation about Musk’s financial support for Trump.

In response to the claims, Musk took to social media, stating, “What’s been reported in the media is simply not true,” and emphasized, “I am not donating $45 million a month to Trump” . He characterized the reports as “fake gnus,” using a humorous image of wildebeests to illustrate his point.

Musk clarified that while he is not making direct donations to Trump, he has established the America PAC to support Trump’s candidacy. This political action committee allows for more significant financial contributions than direct donations to individual candidates, which are subject to stricter limits. Musk described the PAC’s purpose as promoting principles he believes would enhance America, such as meritocracy and reduced government intervention.

Despite his denial of the monthly donation, Musk has expressed strong support for Trump, especially following recent political events, including an assassination attempt on Trump. He has made statements endorsing Trump’s candidacy, drawing parallels to historical figures like Theodore Roosevelt.

The controversy surrounding Musk’s financial involvement in Trump’s campaign highlights the complexities of political funding in the U.S., where super PACs play a significant role in shaping electoral outcomes. Musk’s clarification aims to dispel misinformation while still aligning himself with Trump’s political agenda, indicating a strategic approach to his involvement in the political landscape.

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