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‘Eating a dog’s head will make your baby beautiful’, these tips of Chinese culture during pregnancy will turn your head

The time from pregnancy to delivery is very difficult for a mother and the fetus growing in her womb. That is why doctors advise to take special care of them and take a good diet. So that both mother and child remain healthy at the time of delivery. But in the case of pregnancy, there are many such myths in China that will confuse any person. In Chinese culture, some very strange tips have been given to take care of a pregnant woman, from conception to birth. Such tips have also been mentioned in Taichanshu, an ancient literature of China.

It is said that this literature was discovered in 168 BC. It gives detailed information about the 10 months of pregnancy. It tells what things the doctor and the mother should take care of during pregnancy. What should be their diet and lifestyle and how to give birth to a child.

According to this book, in the fourth month of pregnancy, the fetus is given water and blood starts forming for the first time. Rice, wheat and mud-dwelling eels are the best foods at this stage. The nutrients found in them purify the blood and make the eyes shine.

benefits of eating dog’s head

A researcher Gender Lee has mentioned such myths prevalent in China in his study ‘Childbirth in Early Imperial China’ (2005), ‘Women who have a fetus growing in their womb should boil and eat the head of Baimugou (white-haired dog). By doing this, their child will be more beautiful and will be able to develop well.’ No delivery doctor or expert of the present time will advise pregnant women to cook and eat the head of a white-haired dog. There are many other superstitions related to pregnancy and delivery, which have been prevalent in the Chinese tradition for centuries.

Quini Tse wrote in an issue of ‘The China Medical Journal’ in 1908. In this he said, ‘There are many superstitions and misconceptions associated with the maternity process. And these are nothing more than the foolish imaginations of old native midwives.’ One of these superstitions is that a pregnant woman should use a small bowl of rice for dinner. This will make the head of the child born smaller. Apart from this, it is also said that eating dried beans with curd does not make the membranes of the fetus growing in the womb thick.

Destroying evil spirits with a knife

There are some special customs regarding the midwife’s visit to the house at the time of delivery. For example, the midwife should go to the kitchen before delivering the baby. And should touch the knife. So that the kitchen deity keeps the evil spirit that comes with the midwife away and the baby is born soon.

Even today, many Chinese families follow superstitions related to food. What they should eat and what they should not eat is decided based on symbols rather than nutritional value. Some people say that a pregnant woman should not eat things like snakes and crabs because the unborn child may have problems of bad skin or rashes.

Eating black things affects the color of the child

There are many misconceptions that consuming black things like black sesame, coffee or soy sauce will make the skin of the child born dark. Whereas consuming milk, almonds and dry soy paste improves the complexion of the child.

Janice Leung Hess, a food-based writer from Hong Kong, says that her mother advised her to consume black sesame seeds during pregnancy. She said that it protects the fetus from toxins and makes the delivery process easier. She also said that it did not have any bad effect on her baby’s skin. The baby’s skin was absolutely fine.

Eating lamb meat can cause epilepsy

Some superstitions are also based on word play and symbolism. For a long time, women here were advised not to eat lamb or mutton during pregnancy. This is because meat is called yang and epilepsy is called phat yang. Although both these words look similar but have different meanings. One such misconception is that a child born with a cleft lip should not eat rabbit meat.

Yuki Maryrose Leung says that her mother is a professional newborn baby caretaker. But she never stopped me from eating lamb or mutton during pregnancy. She laughs and says that it is completely a superstition that eating lamb meat will make the child suffer from epilepsy. This is complete madness, because not all Mongolian children suffer from epilepsy.

She told that earlier she used to drink milk during pregnancy so that the child’s complexion remains fair. But her husband is from Britain, so he explained that their child is already half-white. He will not have dark skin. Leung says that she was very naughty and did not follow the things going on in the Chinese community about what to eat and what not to eat.

She said that someone had sent her a list of foods based on the principles of Chinese medicine, which she should eat and which she should avoid. It said that I should not eat Chinese broccoli. I can eat mustard. I should not eat mango because it is hot. Similarly, mushrooms are also considered damp and toxic. But I ate everything in moderation. However, I avoided alcohol, crab, raw sea food and undercooked meat.

Patricia Chan is also a professional newborn baby caretaker who also runs a cooking course in Hong Kong. She has two children and has experienced such superstitions herself. She told that when she was pregnant, she was forbidden to drink coffee and eat things made in soy sauce. I am still searching for the scientific reasons behind such things. But I have not found anything. However, she also said that due to the caffeine level, coffee is not a very good drink for pregnant women. But it has no connection with the color of the child to be born.

As far as eating lamb causing epilepsy and eating snake causing skin diseases is concerned, she says that all this seems absurd. There can be many other reasons to avoid these things. In China’s traditional medicine system, lamb and snake are considered very hot. That is why stews and soups of these creatures are served in abundance during the winter season. The body of women is very sensitive during pregnancy, so excessive consumption of these things can be harmful.

Many other traditional things have been added citing the health of women during pregnancy. Like, after the birth of the child, the mother should be given special care.
A hot dish called braised pork trotters made with ginger and sweet vinegar is served. In addition, women are prohibited from going out of the house or washing their hair.

Mother and child under the influence of evil spirits

Patricia Chan said that earlier, after delivery, the mother and the newborn were prohibited from going out and meeting other people. The belief behind this was that due to their weak condition, evil spirits or negative forces can overpower them. But today we all know that there is a greater risk of a new mother and baby coming in contact with germs outside. That is why even today, the mother and child are prohibited from going out for about a month after delivery. It is wrong to give the argument of evil spirit or ghost behind this.

Even after delivery, women are advised to eat warm foods to bring their body back into balance. They are asked to take baths with ginger water. They are also advised to drink tea made from goji berries, red dates and ancient herbs. Chan herself advises her clients to eat nutritious and warm foods. However, it is also important to consume these things keeping in mind the person’s body and environment.


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