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Earthquake of 5.7 magnitude hits Afghanistan, tremors felt till Delhi

An earthquake of 5.7 magnitude hit Ashkasham in northern Afghanistan. Its epicentre was 28 kilometres away from Ashkasham at a depth of 255 kilometres inside the earth. This was an activity happening around the second layer of the earth, i.e. the mantle. There is no news of any damage due to this at the moment.

The 6.3 magnitude earthquake that struck in October last year caused massive destruction in the Taliban-ruled country. Many people were killed. The tremors of the earthquake that struck Afghanistan today were felt in many parts of North India including Jammu and Kashmir and Delhi.

In October last year, three earthquakes occurred one after the other in Afghanistan. The intensity of all three was also high. 6.3 on October 7, 6.3 on October 11 and 6.4 on October 15. Due to this, 1500 people were killed in Herat and surrounding areas. Homes of 1.5 lakh people were destroyed. Buildings were destroyed in three districts.


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