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During pregnancy, he gave abortion medicine to his wife, gave her triple talaq when she did not give birth to a son and married another woman

Even after the government making strict laws in triple talaq cases, people do not seem to be afraid. A sensational case of triple talaq has come to light in Banda, UP, where the husband gave triple talaq and married again as he did not have a son. The victim wife kept tolerating the physical and mental abuse at her in-laws’ house, but the cruelty against her did not decrease. After the husband’s second marriage and triple talaq, she complained about the matter to the police. The police have registered a case against the husband and four in-laws under serious sections including triple talaq and have started further legal action.

The case is from the city Kotwali area. A woman from there told that she was married to a man from Aligarh in 2008, with whom she has 3 daughters. Her husband and other in-laws were not happy as she did not have a son. When daughters were born, they kept beating her and harassing her in various ways.

She further said that when she got pregnant for the fourth time, she was forcibly made to undergo an ultrasound and the baby in her womb was examined. Since it was a girl, she was forcibly given medicine for abortion which resulted in the birth of a 7-month-old dead girl.

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Not only this, her in-laws forced her to undergo a surgery so that she could not get pregnant again. After this, she was thrown out of the house along with her children and her husband gave her triple talaq over the phone and married another woman. On the complaint of the victim, the police have registered an FIR under various sections including triple talaq.

SHO Pankaj Kumar Singh said that on the complaint of the wife, a case has been registered against 4 accused including the husband. The victim has told that she is going to divorce her husband and marry someone else as her wish of having a son is not fulfilled. Further action is being taken in the case.

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