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Did aliens save Trump’s life? A theory emerged about the UFO seen at the site of the attack

Former US President Donald Trump was attacked during a rally in Pennsylvania in which he narrowly escaped. Now the alien theory has come to the fore. A video footage of the Pennsylvania rally on April 13, the day of the attack, has surfaced in which objects like UFOs (flying saucers) are seen flying in the sky. In the new theory about this, it is being said that aliens have saved Trump’s life.

The video shows that a disc-like object was revolving around the American flag flying in the air shortly before Trump was shot. As soon as the Secret Service personnel reached the stage to save Trump, another object was seen there.

‘There are always UFOs at Trump’s rallies’

Social media users are calling the UFOs seen in the air ‘Guardian Angels’. They say that the UFOs saved Trump from bullets. Trump also said a few days after the attack that God saved him from the attack.

A user on the social media site X wrote, ‘There are always UFOs at Trump’s rallies protecting him.’

The objects flying in the air could be drones, but some reports have claimed that the Secret Service agency providing security to Trump was not using any kind of drone at that time.

A UFO expert Alejandro Rojas, while talking to the British newspaper ‘Daily Mail’, said that what people are considering as a UFO could be a drone, a bird or both.

He said, ‘The objects seen in the air are moving very fast and when you zoom in and look at them closely, they look blurry, making it difficult to determine their exact shape. Drones are often used to cover such events. Now it is also being reported that the shooter also flew a drone in the area.’

The bullet grazed Trump’s ear

Trump was attacked by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, who himself was associated with Trump’s party, the Republican Party. Crooks used to give political donations to the former US President and Democratic leader Joe Biden.

Trump had just started speaking at the Pennsylvania rally when a bullet grazed his right ear. One person was killed in this attack. Secret service personnel also killed the attacker on the spot.

After the attack, Trump said in an interview with the New York Post, ‘I should not have been here, I would have died.’

Donald Trump also recalled the attack on him at the Republican Party convention and said that I am a very lucky person. Trump said, ‘I survived that attack because God was with me. People present at the rally thought that I was dead, so no one ran away even amidst the continuous firing of bullets.’

He said that such attacks often lead to a stampede but that did not happen there. God was with us.

Trump recalled the attack on him and said, ‘When I was shot, I asked myself what was this? I quickly understood that a bullet had been fired. I put my hand on my ear and immediately bent down. There was blood all over the place. I understood that I had been attacked. God was with me, that’s why I survived.’

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