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Delhi: Vegetable vendor robbed by strangulation in Bhajanpura, CCTV video of the incident goes viral

A CCTV video of a robbery in Bhajanpura area of ​​North East Delhi is going viral on social media. In the video, two youths are seen robbing a vegetable vendor. The miscreants are not ready to spare even the vegetable vendors selling on the street carts. The miscreants robbed him of all the money he had earned after selling vegetables all day.

In the CCTV footage of this incident in Bhajanpura area, it is seen that a vegetable vendor is selling vegetables on a cart in the street. Then two young men come to him. They do a thorough recce by looking around. After that, one of the men chokes the vegetable vendor with both hands. After this, the other man tries to snatch his money.

Due to the choking, the vegetable vendor became helpless and he could not do anything. Both the miscreants looted the vegetable vendor’s entire day’s earnings and fled from there. Police say that this incident is of 21st July. Till now no complaint has been received from the victim in this case. Hence no FIR has been registered regarding any incident.

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To what extent the common man is safe in the capital Delhi, one can easily guess from this incident. A person from the working class who sells vegetables by roaming from street to street. Now criminals are targeting him. The miscreants are robbing him of his entire day’s earnings in one go and the police is not even registering an FIR due to lack of complaint.

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