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Criminal on bike, firing and bullet in the leg… The real story of this fake encounter of UP police will shock you

The Olympics are going to start in Paris from 26th July. This time, more medals are expected from Indian players. Especially from our shooters. This time, there are a total of 21 shooters in the Indian shooting team. But the sad thing is that despite their excellent performance, not a single jawan or officer of UP Police got a chance to go to Paris to participate in the Olympics. Believe me, if the Indian Olympic Association had included some shooters from UP Police in its team, then some more medals were definitely certain. It would not have been surprising if the gold had fallen in their lap.

Do not take this as a joke. Whatever I am saying is absolutely true. Whether it is pitch dark or someone is running in a zigzag manner, someone is on a motorcycle or in a car, someone is standing, sitting or lying down, whatever be the condition and how far or close he is, how dare the target be missed? The bullet will hit the leg. And that too on a specific part of the leg. In case you do not think it is true, let us know about this incident.

The police officer narrated the story of the encounter
Let’s talk about Amroha. An inspector is posted at Hasanpur police station in Amroha. His name is Deep Kumar Pant. He is telling the story of a recent encounter. He claims that no other police officer has ever told such a true story in one breath. How could the inspector put a comma or a full stop in between. He told everything in one breath for a full minute and nine seconds.

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3 characters in police story
There were three characters in this story. The same three boys sitting on the motorcycle. Three suspicious boys. They opened fire on the police when they were stopped and then in the retaliatory firing, one of the three got shot in his leg. This is the same Manoj Saini who got shot in his leg. Whereas the two other suspicious boys sitting behind him on the motorcycle are the same two. One of them is named Rohit and the other is Amit.

The brother of the injured criminal told the truth
Now before we move forward with the story of Inspector sahab’s encounter, it is important that Rohit and Amit also tell their story. Also, Manoj’s brother, who was shot, also told his story. Let us quickly listen to the brother who was shot in the leg. He told- I was sleeping at night, the police took me away. I was sleeping at night, the police took me to the garden, took my photo and brought it. This is the whole story.

The matter reached the court
Now the story progresses like this that after the encounter, the inspector sahab presents all three in the court. Since according to their story, all three had fired at the police, hence along with other cases, section of attempt to murder is also imposed on these three. Now as soon as this case starts in the court, the judge sahab also remembers the shooting of the Olympics. The judge sahab is stunned to see this target of the policemen in the pitch dark of the night.

Judge’s surprise
How could he aim so accurately in the dark? That too on the feet. And the amazing thing is that the bullet is being fired from the front as well. That is from the side of the suspect boys. They are also firing in the dark. And their aim is so poor that the bullet does not dare to even touch a policeman. The judge’s surprise had just begun when in the excitement of winning the medal in the case, the police even said that sir, after the shooting, we had also inspected the spot in the dark. They also found three shells of the bullets that the rogue boys had fired at the police team from the spot.

The police could not answer the judge’s questions
The judge was very happy. He happily asked, this is fine but where are the shells of the bullets fired by the police? The judge asked in a questioning tone that you people had fired two rounds in self-defense. One hit the leg. One missed the target. But where did the shells of those two bullets go? Now the Amroha police became sad. They said, sir, due to darkness we could not find our own shells. The judge was surprised that the shells of the gun fired by the boys were found in the darkness, but how did the two shells of the bullets fired from the government 9 mm pistol escape the sharp eyes of the police?

The judge had understood the whole story
Anyway, the judge went ahead and asked, the encounter was going on in the dark. Bullets were being fired from both sides. Your aim was amazing. You shot at the leg. But bullets were being fired from that side too. It was dark at night too. So was any policeman injured? Any scratches? The policeman was sad again. Said, no sir. Perhaps the judge had understood everything by now. After this, he got angry and then he announced his decision.

The judge was surprised
A decision which has hardly been given by any judge in any court of the country in recent times. Within 24 hours of their arrest after the encounter, the judge ordered Rohit and Anil to be acquitted with honour. Amazing, the police had gone to the court to take the police remand of the three boys and the judge was directly giving the order to release them. Not only this, you should also know just a few lines of what he said in his historic decision.

Bizarre, surprising and unusual
Chief Judicial Magistrate of Amroha district Ompal Singh said in his decision- It is strange, surprising and unnatural that no police personnel was injured. It is also suspicious and unbelievable that two 9 mm shells fired by the police at the alleged spot were not found despite a lot of search. One of the police bullets hit the left leg of the injured Manoj Kumar. It is a matter of serious investigation as to where did the second bullet go? And where did the shells of both the bullets go? The shells and cartridges of the accused were recovered but the police could not recover their shells. Due to which the authenticity of the incident is doubtful. Only accused Manoj Kumar was caught from the spot and the other two accused were arrested from Gajraula Tiraha Hasanpur on July 16. Nothing has been recovered from them. There were only four people in the police team. Whereas the number of accused has been mentioned as three. And no policeman got even a scratch in the incident. In such a situation, the facts mentioned in the First Information Report and the case diary are prima facie imaginary and unbelievable. Keeping in view the above facts and circumstances, it is not clear that the offence under Section 109 BNS is made out against the three accused. Therefore, the remand prayer of all the three accused under Section 109 BNS is dismissed.

police Story
So you have come to know the whole story. Now let us explain the rest of the story to you. Actually, Hasanpur police of Amroha had claimed that on the night of 15th July, three suspicious boys were going on a motorcycle. When the police tried to stop them, they started running. Then they fired at the police. In self-defense, the police also fired. One of them got shot in the leg and then all three were arrested. This was the story of the police.

The real story of the incident
Now the real story was that the police picked up all the three boys from their house on the night of the incident and then fabricated the entire story of their arrest, encounter and recovery. But the story was so weak that the judge could not believe it. That is why he released them. But the question is that leaving aside this one decision, how many such decisions have been given in UP regarding such fake encounters? And the bigger question is that how many policemen involved in such fake encounters have been punished? Leave aside the rest, will the Amroha police involved in the fake encounter get any punishment in this one case?

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