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Home » Could Trump’s ‘secret peace plan’ end the Russia-Ukraine war? What Putin and Zelensky have said

Could Trump’s ‘secret peace plan’ end the Russia-Ukraine war? What Putin and Zelensky have said

Last Updated on 07/07/2024 by wccexam Desk

As the Russia-Ukraine war enters its third year, former U.S. President Donald Trump has confidentially expressed his belief that he could bring an end to the conflict by persuading Ukraine to relinquish some territory to Russia. This proposal, which has not been previously reported, would significantly contrast with the current U.S. policy under President Biden, which has emphasized curtailing Russian aggression and providing military aid to Ukraine.

Trump has frequently boasted that he could negotiate a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine within 24 hours of assuming office. However, he has declined to publicly elaborate on how he would swiftly resolve a war that has persisted for over two years and resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians.

Trump’s Proposed Peace Plan

According to individuals who have discussed this matter with Trump or his advisors, the former president’s idea would involve persuading Ukraine to cede some of its territory to Russia in exchange for a ceasefire and potential peace negotiations. This proposal has been outlined by two key Trump advisors, retired Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg and Fred Fleitz, both former chiefs of staff in Trump’s National Security Council.

The proposed strategy, which Kellogg and Fleitz have presented to Trump, envisions a ceasefire along existing battle lines during peace negotiations. The plan would involve pressuring both Russia and Ukraine to engage in talks, with Ukraine facing a withdrawal of U.S. support if it is uncooperative, while Russia could be enticed by the prospect of delayed NATO membership for Ukraine. Notably, the plan does not mandate Ukraine to formally cede territory to Russia.

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Reactions from Putin and Zelensky

Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that he takes Trump’s declarations about ending the war “completely seriously,” although he acknowledged that he is not familiar with the former president’s specific proposals.[3] Putin expressed his support for the idea of ending the conflict, but emphasized that the key question is how Trump plans to achieve this.

On the other hand, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has challenged Trump to reveal his “secret” plan, stating that if the former president knows how to finish the war, he should disclose it. Zelensky added that any plan must respect the sovereignty of Ukraine, and that he wants to be prepared for any risks to Ukrainian independence or statehood.

Experts’ Perspectives

The proposal put forth by Trump’s advisors has been met with skepticism from foreign policy experts. Emma Ashford, a senior fellow at the Stimson Center, a nonpartisan think tank, has expressed doubts about the feasibility of the plan, stating that it would put Ukraine in a weaker position without assurances that Russia would not rearm and resume hostilities.

Brian Taylor, a professor of political science and director of the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs, has also criticized the idea, stating that the objectives of Russia and Ukraine are incompatible. “Russia wants to have political control over Ukraine and eliminate the idea of Ukraine as a separate nation, and Ukraine wants to defend its territory, its people, and its democracy from Russian violence and domination,” Taylor said.

Fiona Hill, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and Trump’s former top Russia adviser, noted that Trump’s team is focusing on the Ukraine-Russia conflict as a territorial dispute rather than considering the broader implications for European security and the world order.

Michael Kofman, an analyst of the Russia-Ukraine war at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, has stated that Ukraine’s leadership would not engage in policies that would constitute political suicide, and that the United States has limited leverage to compel Ukraine to cede territory or engage in concessions.

Potential Challenges and Obstacles

Even if Trump were to secure the presidency and attempt to implement his proposed peace plan, there are several significant challenges and obstacles that would need to be overcome.

Resistance from Ukraine and European Allies
Ukraine and its European allies are expected to resist Trump’s efforts to strike a deal with Moscow, as any attempt to resolve the war through territorial concessions would likely involve extensive negotiations. Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, has stated that he would not surrender any territory.

Lack of Leverage for a Unilateral Deal
The United States has limited leverage for a unilateral deal due to the need for European cooperation for meaningful sanctions relief. The U.S. would require the support of its European allies to make any significant progress in negotiations with Russia.

Incompatible Objectives between Russia and Ukraine
As mentioned by expert Brian Taylor, the objectives of Russia and Ukraine are fundamentally incompatible. Russia seeks to maintain political control over Ukraine and eliminate its status as a separate nation, while Ukraine is determined to defend its territory, people, and democracy from Russian aggression.

Potential Domestic Political Backlash
Any attempt by Trump to strike a deal with Russia that involves territorial concessions by Ukraine would likely face significant domestic political backlash, both from within his own Republican Party and from the broader U.S. political establishment. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a former Trump critic turned ally, has stated that Trump must pay a price and that Putin cannot win at the end of this conflict.

Potential Implications and Consequences
If Trump were to successfully implement his proposed peace plan, the implications and consequences could be far-reaching and potentially destabilizing.

Expansion of Putin’s Dictatorship
Accepting Russian control over parts of Ukraine would expand the reach of Putin’s dictatorship following the biggest land war in Europe since World War II. This would be seen by many as a significant victory for the Russian leader and a blow to the principles of international law and the sovereignty of nation-states.

Weakening of Ukraine’s Position
Ceding territory to Russia would put Ukraine in a weaker position without assurances that Russia would not rearm and resume hostilities. This could undermine Ukraine’s ability to defend its remaining territory and its democratic institutions.

Erosion of European Security and the World Order
Trump’s peace plan, if implemented, would have broader implications for European security and the global order. Fiona Hill, Trump’s former top Russia adviser, noted that the former president’s team is focusing on the Ukraine-Russia conflict as a territorial dispute rather than considering the wider ramifications.

Domestic Political Fallout
The backlash against Trump’s peace plan within the U.S. political establishment, including from members of his own party, could have significant domestic political consequences. The former president’s efforts to strike a deal with Moscow could be seen as a betrayal of Ukraine and a capitulation to Russian aggression.

In conclusion, while Donald Trump has confidentially expressed his belief that he could bring an end to the Russia-Ukraine war, the details and feasibility of his “secret peace plan” remain highly questionable. The proposal put forth by his advisors, which would involve persuading Ukraine to cede territory to Russia in exchange for a ceasefire and potential negotiations, has been met with skepticism from foreign policy experts and resistance from Ukraine and its European allies.

The objectives of Russia and Ukraine are fundamentally incompatible, and the U.S. has limited leverage to compel Ukraine to engage in concessions that would be seen as a betrayal of its sovereignty and democratic aspirations. Any attempt by Trump to implement such a plan would face significant domestic political backlash and could have far-reaching implications for European security and the global order.

Ultimately, the resolution of the Russia-Ukraine conflict will require a comprehensive and principled approach that addresses the root causes of the conflict, respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and upholds the rules-based international system. The “secret peace plan” proposed by Trump’s advisors appears to fall short of these essential requirements and is unlikely to be a viable path to a lasting and just peace.