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Celebrated her 18th birthday a day before, wrote ‘Sorry Mummy-Papa’ and jumped from the 5th floor, this was the reason

A student preparing for NEET in Jaipur committed suicide by jumping from the fifth floor of her building. The deceased has been identified as 18-year-old Yati Agarwal. Before the incident, the deceased also wrote a suicide note. In this, she apologized for not living up to the family’s expectations and took this horrific step.

The police have found a suicide note from the notebook of the deceased student. It was revealed that she was depressed due to getting low marks in the NEET exam. Due to this, she ended her life. A day before the incident, the student had celebrated her birthday with great enthusiasm with family and friends, but now no one is able to believe this incident.

The incident took place in Dwarka Apartments of Vidyadhar Nagar, Jaipur. Here, Yati Agarwal, who lived with her family, committed suicide by jumping from the 5th floor of the building. At the time of the incident, the family members of the deceased student were sleeping. Seeing the student lying on the ground in a bloody condition, other people in the building informed the police.

After this, Vidyadhar Nagar police station officer Rakesh Khyaaliya reached the spot. The police kept the body in the mortuary of Kanwatia Hospital where after post-mortem, the body was handed over to the family. Shastri Nagar ACP Bhopal Singh Bhati said that student Yati Agarwal was preparing for NEET after 12th. On Thursday, she celebrated her 18th birthday with family and friends. On Friday morning, she committed suicide by jumping from the 5th floor of her building. During the police investigation, a suicide note was found in a notebook near the deceased.

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