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Cat owner opens door for food delivery driver, ‘shocked’ by what she sees

A ‘feral’ indoor cat The food delivery driver jumped out, and his shocked owner shared the door-cam footage, which has internet viewers in stitches.

Magnus, a 2-year-old rescue cat with an adventurous streakA daring escape from his catio before making a grand entrance on top of an unsuspecting driver. She shared the hysterical scene InstagramIt has since received over 514,000 likes and nearly 4 million views.

owner (@doublemeowski) stated Newsweek. “That Must have escaped by Catio Which I arranged, when I went to inspect I saw a gap in the fencing which he had somehow created.”

The now-viral video shows Magnus perched precariously on the driver’s back, as the startled man leans over the cat trying to keep it safe. Despite the commotion, the delivery driver miraculously knocks on the door for help, balancing the cat.

“I apologized profusely to the delivery man and felt very embarrassed,” added the owner. “My cat was still sitting on him as we spoke. I hurriedly grabbed Magnus and made sure to give the driver a generous tip.”

Magnus, who is due to turn 3 in October, was originally found by a river and brought to a shelter before his current owner adopted him. However, his mischievous personality hasn’t dulled one bit. “He’s always been a bit wild. He even ate a SIM card once!” She said. “He likes to dig in the bin like a mouse, so we call him Mouse Boy sometimes.”

Known for his boundless energy and love of food, Magnus has developed some unique behaviors to get his owner’s attention. “Lately, he has started standing on his hind legs and kicking my thigh with both paws when he is upset that his food bowl is empty,” the owner said.

“He also likes to jump on me when he wants attention, almost giving me a heart attack! I’m sure that’s why he decided to jump the delivery man.

For cat owners wondering how to stop their feline friends from jumping on them, experts suggest redirecting the cat’s energy with toys and providing interactive playtime.

Cats often jump for attention or out of boredom, so it’s important to engage them in mental and physical activities to prevent these unexpected attacks.

The owner has since taken steps to secure Magnus’ escape route. “Protect your catios if you have escape artists!” He wrote in the caption of the video. Making sure your catio is escape-proof can include reinforcing any gaps and adding secure locks, so even the most determined cats like Magnus can’t slip out.

Meanwhile, viewers couldn’t get enough of Magnus’ antics, especially his unsuspecting perch on the delivery driver’s back. Critics were quick to share their amusement and appreciation for the driver’s calm reaction.

“Don’t listen to them. The cat is driving this man,” one user joked.

“Guy is very much a cat person. The way he totally embraced it – he’d be a perch now,” commented another.

“Good day, delivery for you. Here’s your package and the cat!” added another amused viewer.

Do you have funny and cute videos or pictures of your pet that you want to share? We want to see the best! Send them in [email protected] And they can appear on our site.

Post Cat owner opens door for food delivery driver, ‘shocked’ by what she sees appeared first Newsweek.

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