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Canadian PM Justin Trudeau surrounded by political crisis, NDP withdrew support

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau suffered a major setback on Wednesday, September 4, when the New Democratic Party (NDP), which was supporting his minority government, withdrew its support. After this move, Trudeau has to look for a new coalition to run his government.

NDP leader Jagmeet Singh announced the “cancellation” of the deal made with Trudeau in 2022, saying his patience was now over. However, Trudeau dismissed talk of an early election, saying his priority was to advance social programs for the Canadian people. He said, “We will work for the Canadian people and hope that we will complete our programs by the next election.”

With this withdrawal of support, Trudeau will now be dependent on opposition parties, especially when a vote of confidence is needed in Parliament. If elections are held now, according to recent surveys, Trudeau’s Liberal Party may face a huge defeat. However, the next election in Canada is required to be held by October 2025. Trudeau, who has been Prime Minister since 2015, has been facing criticism from opposition parties, especially the Conservative Party, over inflation and the housing crisis for the past few years. With the support of the NDP, his government has implemented several social programs, one of which is the National Dental Program.

However, Jagmeet Singh has expressed disappointment with Trudeau’s leadership in recent months, particularly over rising food prices. “Justin Trudeau has repeatedly succumbed to corporate greed. The Liberals have betrayed the public and should not get a second chance,” Singh said in a video on social media.
However, the situation is not much better for the NDP either. According to the latest survey, the party’s performance is in third place, while Singh has announced his candidature for the post of Prime Minister.

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre also targeted Singh and Trudeau, saying that both of them together have worsened the country’s economic condition and put the public in crisis. He demanded a “carbon tax election” so that the public can decide whether they choose the current coalition or a “common sense” Conservative government.


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