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Canada Child Benefit Payments Delayed Amid Global IT Outage: Families Urged to Monitor Accounts

Recent announcements indicate that Canada Child Benefit (CCB) payments may face delays due to a global IT outage affecting various sectors. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has begun issuing payments to eligible families, but the federal government has cautioned that some banks might encounter challenges in processing these transactions effectively.

Details of the Delay

On July 19, 2024, Minister of National Revenue Marie-Claude Bibeau confirmed via social media that while the CRA is not directly impacted by the IT outage, which began on Friday, there could still be complications with banks that may affect the delivery of payments. The global outage has led to disruptions across multiple industries, including airlines and healthcare, highlighting the interconnectedness of modern digital systems.

Impact on Families

The CCB is a vital financial support program for low- and middle-income families in Canada, providing tax-free monthly payments to assist with the costs associated with raising children under 18. The payments are calculated based on family income and the number of children, with maximum amounts reaching up to $7,437 annually for children under six and $6,275 for those aged six to 17.

Government Response

The government is actively working with financial institutions to mitigate the impact of these delays and ensure that families receive their benefits as smoothly as possible. While the CRA has assured that payments have been initiated, recipients are encouraged to monitor their bank accounts and stay informed about any updates regarding the situation.

This incident underscores the importance of robust IT infrastructure in delivering essential government services, particularly in times of widespread technical disruptions.

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