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Can Rubio Deliver Florida? Trump Eyes the Cuban-American Senator as Running Mate

As the 2024 presidential election cycle heats up, all eyes are on who former President Donald Trump will select as his running mate. One name that has risen to the top of the list is Senator Marco Rubio of Florida.

Rubio, a third-term senator, has undergone a remarkable political transformation since his bitter rivalry with Trump during the 2016 Republican primaries. Once labeled a “con artist” by Rubio, Trump now sees the Florida senator as a key asset in his quest to return to the White House.

Rubio’s appeal as a potential vice presidential pick stems from several factors. First, his Cuban-American heritage and popularity among Latino voters could help Trump shore up support from this crucial demographic. Rubio’s ability to switch seamlessly between English and Spanish during campaign events has not gone unnoticed by the Trump team.

Additionally, Rubio’s foreign policy experience and alignment with Trump’s agenda have positioned him favorably in the selection process. Trump values Rubio’s credentials on Western Hemisphere issues, which could prove valuable given the former president’s focus on Latin American affairs.

However, Rubio’s potential candidacy faces a significant hurdle – the 12th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which prohibits electors from voting for a president and vice president who are both residents of the same state. Both Rubio and Trump hail from Florida, potentially complicating their ability to run on the same ticket.

Despite this constitutional constraint, Trump has acknowledged the issue and is reportedly considering other Floridians, such as Congressman Byron Donalds, as potential running mates. The former president remains confident that a solution can be found, potentially through Rubio’s relocation to another state, similar to the precedent set by Dick Cheney’s move to Wyoming when he ran with George W. Bush.

Rubio, for his part, has remained cautious in discussing the prospect of joining Trump’s ticket, stating that anyone offered such an opportunity should consider it, but declining to comment on his own candidacy. However, his recent actions, including a Newsweek op-ed echoing Trump’s stance on election integrity and appearances at Trump-affiliated events, suggest a growing alignment between the two Republican heavyweights.

As the Republican National Convention approaches, the speculation surrounding Trump’s vice presidential pick will only intensify. With Rubio’s profile on the rise and his relationship with the former president mended, the Florida senator appears to be a leading contender for the coveted position. The coming weeks will undoubtedly shed more light on Trump’s decision and the potential impact it could have on the 2024 election landscape.

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