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Boeing 777 Narrowly Escapes Crash in Italy After Plane Scratches Tarmac

A Boeing 777 operated by Emirates airline narrowly avoided a disastrous crash landing at an airport in Italy after the plane’s tail struck the tarmac during touchdown.

The incident occurred as the aircraft, flying from India to Dubai, was attempting to land at the airport in Italy. According to reports, the pilot notified air traffic control that the plane’s front landing gear could not deploy properly.

On the first landing attempt, the plane’s tail section scraped the runway, sending sparks into the air as it made contact with the tarmac. The pilot was able to abort the landing and make a second attempt, this time successfully touching down without further incident.

Remarkably, all 282 passengers and 18 crew members on board were able to evacuate the aircraft safely, with no reported injuries. Aviation experts credit the plane’s robust design and the crew’s quick actions for the successful emergency landing.

“Crashworthiness is an aeronautical engineering concept as important as airworthiness, and the 777 has had a sterling record for survivable crashes,” said Stephen Trimble of aviation news source Flight Global.

The runway was temporarily closed while the damaged aircraft was removed, but airport operations resumed shortly after. Authorities are now investigating the cause of the landing gear malfunction that led to the harrowing incident.

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