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Bloody clash between two groups in Pakistan, 36 people died, 162 injured

Violent clashes between two tribes have been reported in Pakistan on Sunday. 36 people were killed and 162 people were injured in this clash. This clash between the two groups started as a dispute over land and turned into fierce violence. This dispute took place in the troubled tribal district of north-west Pakistan. Officials said that fierce clashes started five days ago in Boshera village of Upper Kurram district.

Conflict over a piece of land
At least 36 people were killed and 162 others injured in an armed clash between two tribes over a piece of land in a troubled tribal district in northwest Pakistan, officials said on Sunday. The area has previously witnessed deadly clashes between tribes and religious groups as well as communal clashes and terrorist attacks. Kurram Deputy Commissioner Javedullah Mehsud said 36 people were killed and 162 others injured in tribal clashes in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Kurram district bordering Afghanistan in the last five days.

Firing continues in some other areas as well
Police said the authorities, with the help of tribal elders, army leadership, police and district administration, brokered a ceasefire between Shia and Sunni tribes in Boshera, Malikel and Dandar areas some time ago. However, firing is still going on in some other parts of the district. An official said efforts are being made to restore ceasefire in the remaining areas as well. Tribal fighters have vacated the trenches, which are now under the control of law enforcers.

Mortars and rockets were also fired
Clashes broke out between the two tribes over a land dispute four days ago. The clashes spread to other areas including Peewer, Tangi, Balishkhel, Khar Kalay, Maqbal, Kunj Alizai, Para Chamkani and Karman. Local residents said the rivals were using heavy and sophisticated weapons including mortar shells and rocket launchers against each other. They said mortar and rocket shells were also fired on Parachinar and Sadda, the main towns of Kurram tribal district.

Security forces deployed, tension persists
“At least four attacks took place during last night’s encounter, resulting in more casualties,” an official said. All educational institutions and markets remained closed, while traffic on main roads remained suspended during the day. Heavy contingents of police and security forces have been deployed in the affected areas, officials said.

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