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Bill Gates says he would have paid ‘tens of billions’ more if he was in charge of the US tax system

Bill GatesOne of the world’s richest people, said he would be poorer and pay more taxes if he were in charge of the US tax system.

in Interview with IndependentWhen asked if he considered himself too rich, Gates said: “If I had designed the tax system, I would be ten billion dollars poorer than I am.”

He said the US tax system “could be more progressive without significantly harming the incentive to do wonderful things.”

This Multi-billionaire founder of Microsoft The Independent said he is also a “huge believer”. Progressive taxation And estate tax, Explaining that they do not believe that wealth and power should be concentrated in families because of past successes.

“I don’t think we should generally give families whose great grandfathers, through luck and skill, amassed great wealth, the economic or political power that comes with it,” he said.

Gates has Earlier said that His children will inherit only a small fraction of his fortune — $10 million each — barely a dent in him net price About $158 billion.

Instead, he has committed a large portion of his wealth to charitable causes.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation The endowment is one of the richest foundations in the world by value, with An endowment of about $75 billion.

According to the foundation’s website, Gates and his ex-wife, Melinda French Gates, have given about $59.5 billion to the foundation since its inception through 2023.

Along with Warren BuffettGates also founded a charitable campaign, “pledge,To encourage the ultrawealthy to contribute most of their wealth to philanthropic causes.

Includes notable signatures Elon Musk And Mark Zuckerberg.

Despite efforts to promote philanthropy among the superwealthy, Gates told The Independent that it is not enough to solve the world’s problems.

“There is still a lot of work to be done by the government,” Gates said.

“Philanthropy is not a substitute for government,” he added. “Making sure everyone is educated, has food, has shelter — it’s the government that’s going to build that safety net.”

Post Bill Gates says he would have paid ‘tens of billions’ more if he was in charge of the US tax system appeared first Business Insider.

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