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Biden’s warning… Nuclear war can happen with China-Russia-North Korea, nuclear strategy changed in intelligence document

America fears that a nuclear war with China, Russia and North Korea can happen anytime. For this, in March itself, US President Joe Biden signed a highly confidential document. In which some changes have been made in America’s nuclear strategy, these changes have been made on the basis of the increasing nuclear weapons of China, Russia and North Korea. Joe Biden’s signature is also on it. Its name is Nuclear Employment Guidance (NEG).

NEG decides the nuclear strategy of America. It determines how to deal with any nuclear-rich country. What steps are to be taken during a nuclear war. In the changes made in this document, Biden has also asked his forces to be prepared for a nuclear war with Russia, China and North Korea.

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America, Joe Biden, Nuclear War, Russia, China, North Korea

This has been revealed by the New York Times. On August 20, 2024, the White House said that this plan was approved by the US President earlier this year. In this, there is no threat of nuclear war from any one country. Rather, there are three countries. But The Times has reported that America is most afraid of China.

First know which country has how many nuclear weapons?

According to the Federation of American Scientists, Russia has the most nuclear weapons in the world. Russia has 5580 nuclear weapons, which have increased in the recent past. After this, America has 5044 weapons. These have decreased. Then China has 500 nuclear weapons, which have increased.

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America, Joe Biden, Nuclear War, Russia, China, North Korea

France has 290, Britain has 225, India has 172, Pakistan has 170, Israel has 90 and North Korea has 50 nuclear weapons. There has been no increase in the weapons of France and Israel. But the number of weapons of everyone except America has increased. That is why America is worried.

What is the reason for so much fear of China?

America is afraid of China because the Dragon has 500 nuclear weapons. Last year, it was 410. China is increasing its nuclear weapons very fast. Whereas no other country has done this. Daryl Kimball, Executive Director of Arms Control Association, said that according to American intelligence, China will double its stockpile of nuclear weapons by 2030. That means this number will be between 500 to 1000.

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America, Joe Biden, Nuclear War, Russia, China, North Korea

There is a campaign going on all over the world to reduce and eliminate nuclear weapons. In such a situation, if China is increasing its stockpile of weapons, then it will cause problems for the world. Because its pace is very fast. Retired senior colonel Zhou Bo from the Chinese army said that it is not possible for Beijing to sit quietly. It will do something or the other. America cannot control its nuclear policies. It will not launch a nuclear attack first. Only China and India have expressed their agreement on this matter.


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