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Balochistan fighters threaten China, know how the CPEC project and Chinese imperialism are being opposed on the ground

Internal tension is at its peak in the neighboring country Pakistan. Local militants in Balochistan have opened a front against Pakistan and China. Recently, about 100 people were killed in the attack by militants. Meanwhile, a video of the Baloch Liberation Army is going viral on social media, in which fighters with guns in their hands are seen giving an ultimatum to China and Pakistan. They have given 48 hours to China and Pakistan to vacate Balochistan.

Vacate Balochistan in 48 hours or else….

The Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) posted a video in which they said, ‘The purpose of our attack is very clear that Pakistan and China should vacate Balochistan with immediate effect. This ultimatum was also given by our leader Aslam Baloch. But China ignored it. We are once again warning them to vacate Baloch places immediately. It is our duty to protect our place. China, you have come here without our permission. Pakistan Army is destroying our villages. Majeed Brigade has been specially formed to attack Chinese officials. Xi Jinping, we are warning you to leave Balochistan immediately. Otherwise, we will teach you a lesson that you will never forget.’

Why are BLA fighters targeting China?

The militants group alleges that Pakistan and China have been exploiting the rights of the Baloch people for a long time. They are occupying their properties and killing people. China is accused of taking over the resources here and opening ambitious projects in their places without their permission. Let us tell you that China’s ambitious CPEC project passes through these areas.

What is CPEC project

Let us tell you that Gwadar port is the most important part of China and Pakistan’s ambitious project CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor). But the people of Balochistan see it as an occupation of their resources. This is the reason why for a long time, instead of the noise of construction work, there is silence of fear and terror in this area.

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was announced in 2015. That is, a road about 2442 km long which will connect China’s Xinjiang city to Pakistan’s Gwadar port. Under CPEC, China is developing Gwadar port and spending money like water. China has spent 46 billion dollars on this port. Actually, China wants to transport the oil and gas coming from the Gulf countries to its country in less time and at less cost through ports, railways and roads.

What is the allegation of the Balochs

The Balochs allege that the aim of CPEC and other projects going on in Gwadar is to serve the interests of China. In this, the local people are being ignored. The construction work being done by China has not improved the lives of the local people but has also ruined the livelihood of many people. A large population of Gwadar depends on fishing for their livelihood. But Pakistan has given license to Chinese boats to catch fish here.

Also read: 33 passengers shot dead, 10 vehicles burnt, major attack in Balochistan, Pakistan

According to a report, about 1 lakh people in Gwadar port city do not even have drinking water. The protests of Balochs against the Pakistan government for better health services and basic necessities like electricity are not hidden from anyone. The people of Balochistan are afraid that after the completion of CPEC, a large number of people from China and other parts of Pakistan will come here and eventually after a major demographic change, they will become a minority in their own home.

Let us tell you that India has also been opposing China’s CPEC project because this project passes through Pakistan occupied Kashmir (POK).

Nearly 100 people died in the latest attack

Baloch rebels carried out a major attack in Balochistan on Monday. In this attack, police station, railway line and national highway were targeted within 24 hours, in which about 100 soldiers were killed. Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) has taken responsibility for this attack. BLA has named it Operation Dark Windy Storm.


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