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At what age should the car keys be given to children? Know what is the right age and what the hit and run law of different countries says

hit and run law

You must be remembering the hit and run case incident that happened in Pune a month ago. Where a minor boy crushed two bike riders with his Porsche car. Both of them died on the spot in this accident. In this serious case, the accused got bail within a few hours, after which questions are being raised on the role of the court and the Juvenile Justice Board as well as the police. Actually this accident happened on 19 May in Kalyani Nagar area of ​​Pune. The young man driving the Porsche car is the son of a big businessman, he is accused of driving the car in a drunken state. But the surprise came when the police asked the accused to write an essay of 300 words on road safety. After this, the accused was released within a few hours. But seeing the anger of the people, the police had to register an FIR against the accused and arrest him. After this, on 22 May, an order was given to take the accused into custody and he was sent to the observation home. After this, while hearing the case, the Bombay High Court on June 25 ordered the release of the accused from the juvenile home.

But this case is now going to the Supreme Court. Pune Police has decided to challenge the Bombay High Court’s decision to release the minor accused in the Supreme Court. Now Pune Police is going to approach the Supreme Court regarding this matter. This case is going on for a long time. But the biggest question here also arises on the upbringing of the parents. Such incidents are being seen not only in Pune but also in different states of the country. New cases of hit and run are coming to light every day. In such a situation, the big question arises whether parents should give the keys of the car to their child and if they should, then what is his right age. Today we are going to give you the answers to all these questions in this article. Along with this, we will also tell you what the country’s new hit and run law says.

what is the right age for driving

Different countries have different driving ages. For example, in New Zealand, you must be 16 years old to get a license and drive on the road. In India, under Article (1), no person below the age of 18 can drive a motor vehicle in any public place. But in India, in the last few years, it has been seen that minors aged 15-16 drive at high speeds, which leads to accidents.

Minor drivers are often considered the most inexperienced and risky drivers on the road. Statistics show that minor drivers have the highest accident rate of any age group, with an average of six minors dying every day in motor vehicle accidents in the United States alone. There are many reasons why minor car drivers are at a higher risk of accidents. Youngsters often drive at high speeds under the influence of drugs or alcohol, which can cost lives. Therefore, parents should allow their child to drive only after he or she attains adulthood. In India, 18 years of age is considered adult age. Along with this, it is the responsibility of parents to give their children a good education and motivate them not to do rash driving. Because young children often cannot differentiate between speed and safe driving. Due to which the cases of accidents keep increasing.

What does India’s new hit and run law say

The government has made the new hit and run law very strict. The Indian Penal Code has made a provision of 10 years imprisonment and a fine of Rs 7 lakh for a ‘hit and run’ case. Earlier in India, under the Indian Panel Code, there was a provision of up to two years of punishment in a hit and run case.

What is the hit and run law in different countries


In the United Kingdom, hit-and-run is considered a serious crime, punishable by a maximum of 14 years in prison or an unlimited fine. A person convicted of a hit and run is also given a mandatory minimum driving disqualification of 2 years.


In North American countries, hit-and-run laws vary by province, but generally, it is a crime. The guilty party is liable to a fine and license suspension. According to the Criminal Code of Canada, failing to stop after an accident is punishable by a maximum of 10 years in prison. If someone dies in the accident, the sentence can be life imprisonment.

United States of america

In the United States, the punishment for hit and run varies from state to state. It is considered a third degree crime there. Where the punishment can be 1 to 5 years or more and a fine of Rs 16 lakh can also be imposed.


In Australia, if your vehicle hits someone, the driver has to stop at the scene and immediately report the incident to the police. There is a special commission for traffic offences in Australia, which gives punishment according to the accident. The driver can be fined and his license can be suspended or cancelled.

South Korea

Hit and run is considered a serious crime in South Korea. If a person dies after being hit by someone’s car, then a minimum of five years in prison or a maximum of life imprisonment can be sentenced. Along with this, a fine of 5 million to 30 million can also be imposed.

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