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Are the children of America also troubled by school homework? Know the system there

If you are asked what you felt the worst about your school days, you will definitely name homework. You know what kind and how much homework was given in your school, but have you ever wondered whether children studying abroad also hate homework or not? Have you ever wondered how many hours of homework is given to children in the US and how many percent of children like homework? Let’s find out.

Are US kids getting too much homework?

According to research by the City University of New York, students in the US become self-reliant through homework. Through homework, they set their goals and try to achieve them. Through homework, children here are also learning time management and their attention span is developing. This research also revealed that the performance of children who are given homework is 69 percent higher than those who are not given homework.

How many hours of homework do students in the US do each week?

When research was done on homework on US students, it was revealed that if children are given more than four hours of homework in the entire week, it has a negative effect on them. The National Center for Education Statistics found that high school students get an average of 6.8 hours and primary students get an average of 4.7 hours of homework every week. The report believes that children should not get more than 10 minutes of homework per subject.

Only this much percentage of children like homework

A study conducted by Stanford teachers found that 56% of the students surveyed saw homework as a stress in their lives. 56 percent of children are bothered by homework and consider it a burden. Due to this, students are also suffering from migraine, ulcers and lack of sleep. Less than 1% of students in the US said that homework is not a cause of stress. The number of students who like homework is very less.

How many hours of homework are given in different countries?

According to a recent study, the duration of homework given to children is different in different countries. According to this data, children in China are given 13.8 hours of homework every week. China is at the forefront in terms of giving homework. After this, Russia is at second place, where children get 9.7 hours of homework every week.

Children in Singapore also get a lot of homework, with an average of 9.4 hours of homework per week. In Kazakhstan and Italy, children get 8.8 and 8.7 hours of homework respectively. In Ireland and Romania, children are given 7.3 hours of homework per week. Estonia and Lithuania are next, with 6.9 and 6.7 hours of homework per week. In Poland, children are given an average of 6.6 hours of homework per week.


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