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After Shooting at Trump Event, Biden Addresses Nation from Oval Office

President Biden Condemns Violence, Calls for Unity After Trump Assassination Attempt

Biden Addresses Nation Following Attempt on Trump’s Life

In a rare Oval Office address, President Joe Biden condemned the violence that led to an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump and called for national unity in the face of such divisive acts.

The incident occurred during a Trump campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, where a gunman opened fire, grazing Trump’s ear with a bullet. The assailant, identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, was killed by Secret Service agents at the scene. Tragically, one bystander also lost their life, and two others suffered severe injuries.

In his address, President Biden expressed his relief that Trump is “doing well and recovering” from the attack. He stated unequivocally that “there’s no place in America for this kind of violence, or any violence for that matter.” The President went on to say that he has directed an independent review of the security protocols at the rally and has asked the Secret Service to re-evaluate all measures for the upcoming Republican National Convention.

Emphasizing the need for unity, Biden said, “Unity is the most elusive goal of all.” He urged the public to avoid making assumptions about the shooter’s motives and to allow the FBI investigation to progress. The President also acknowledged the difficulty of achieving unity in the current political climate, but stressed the importance of striving for it.

“We must come together as a nation,” Biden said. “This kind of political violence has no place in America. We are a nation of laws, not violence.” The President’s address comes at a time of heightened political tensions and concerns about the state of the country’s democratic institutions.

By delivering this speech from the Oval Office, Biden sought to underscore the gravity of the situation and his administration’s commitment to addressing it. The President’s call for unity and his condemnation of the violence reflect a desire to bring the country together in the wake of this traumatic event.

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