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After school, the teacher left the child locked in the class and went home, the child kept crying for 2 hours

A case of gross negligence of teachers and other staff of a government school has come to light from Unnao, Uttar Pradesh. Where after school was over, the teachers and other staff did not pay attention and left a child locked in the class. About 2 hours later, when the children of the village reached near the school while playing, they heard the child crying in the class. After this, they informed the villagers about it, after which the villagers reached on information and took the child out of the class.

If the children of the village did not go, the child would have remained locked up

This entire incident is of the composite school of Bhul Bhuliakheda village of Fatehpur Chaurasi area. The teachers of the school locked the class one students studying in the school room and went to their respective homes. The villagers came to know about this when the children of the village reached near the school while playing.

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As soon as they reached near the school, the children started hearing the sound of crying from the room. After which the children informed the villagers about it. The villagers who reached the spot saw the child crying from the window of the closed room. They also made a video of it and made it viral on social media. After this they took the child out.

Due to this incident, there is anger among the villagers against the school teachers. After the video went viral, BSA Sangeeta Singh has ordered an investigation and action against the negligent teachers and other employees.

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