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AD-1 Interceptor Missile: DRDO first fired Prithvi-2 missile, then successfully tested the interceptor missile

DRDO has today conducted a different kind of missile test from Abdul Kalam Island in Balasore district. First, Prithvi-2 nuclear ballistic missile was fired from Launch Pad Three. After this, interceptor missile AD-1 was launched. For this test, Balasore district administration had temporarily shifted 10,581 people from ten villages.

Now let us first know what is an interceptor missile?

AD-1 is a sea-based endo-atmospheric BMD interceptor missile. This missile will destroy ballistic missiles coming from Pakistan or China near the atmosphere. This means that in future, the Indian military will destroy any missile coming towards the country in the air. There are two variants of this missile. The first is AD-1 and the second is AD-2.

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drdo, interceptor missile test, prithvi-2 missile

Enemy missiles will not be able to reach the country

Both the missiles can intercept enemy’s IRBM missiles. That means they can shoot down missiles with a range of 5000 km. These missiles are defense systems like America’s Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile. The speed of this missile is 5367 km/hr.

Enemy missiles will be destroyed 3000 KM away from our land

These missiles will fire on seeing enemy missiles coming. They will destroy them by colliding with them at a distance of 1000 to 3000 km from our land. They have been made for the purpose of destroying IRBM missiles. Let us tell you that the range of IRBM missiles is 3 to 5 thousand kilometers. If China fires a missile from such a distance, then the Indian Army or Navy will destroy it on the way itself.

The country’s enemies will be scared by long range interceptor missile

The AD-2 is a long-range interceptor missile designed for both low exo-atmospheric and endo-atmospheric interception of long-range ballistic missiles as well as aircraft. It is a two-stage solid motor powered missile. It is equipped with indigenously developed advanced control system, navigation and guidance algorithms to accurately guide the missile to the target.

Now let us know about Prithvi-2 missile…

The range of Prithvi-2 missile is 350 km. It can carry conventional or nuclear weapons weighing 500 to 1000 kg. It is capable of deceiving the enemy’s anti-ballistic missile technology. It is the smallest and lightest missile among all the missiles of India. Its weight is 4600 kg. Its length is about 8.56 meters.

drdo, interceptor missile test, prithvi-2 missile

Many types of weapons can be installed in it. Such as high explosive, penetration, cluster munition, fragmentation, thermobaric, chemical weapon and tactical nuclear weapon can be installed. Prithvi-2 missile works on strap-down inertial navigation system. 8×8 Tata Transporter Erector Launcher is used for launching it.

Actually, the real name of Prithvi-2 missile is SS-250. It was made for the Indian Air Force. Whereas, Prithvi-1 was made for the Army and Prithvi-3 for the Navy. Taking this missile system as a base, DRDO scientists created the concept of Pralay Missile, Prithvi Air Defense (PAD) i.e. Pradyumna Ballistic Missile Interceptor. As far as PAD is concerned, these are such missiles that can destroy enemy missiles by going outside the atmosphere. That too at a speed of 6174 km per hour.

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