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Actor claims, Farah Khan and Karan Johar spoiled the minds of actors, said- they demanded fees…

Well-known actor Sameer Soni, who is seen in supporting roles, recently spoke openly about the increased fees charged by actors. Sameer also expressed his opinion on the expenses incurred in the luxurious treatment that actors get on the sets in Bollywood. Sameer said – In the industry, choreographer and producer-director Farah Khan and Karan Johar, there are two people who pay actors whatever they ask for. Bollywood films are neither able to earn money nor are they able to give full returns.

Sameer exposed the truth
Sameer was last seen in the web series ‘Made in Heaven’. In a conversation with Ujjwal Trivedi, Sameer said- I want to tell Farah and Karan that if your expenses are increasing in making the film, then you people are responsible for it. You yourself are signing a star worth Rs 100 crore and then later you yourself are saying that actors demand a lot of fees. There is some shortcoming in you too. Otherwise there are many actors who can work for Rs 1 crore or even Rs 50 lakh.

Karan had put forward his side
Some time ago, Karan Johar had talked about the expenses of actors for travelling and staying on the sets. He said that top actors demand very high fees. Farah Khan had agreed with him. Farah had said that so much money is spent in making a film and on top of that actors demand so much fees. Crores of rupees are spent in making a film. Many times money is wasted on such things.

Rajiv had said this
Actor Rajeev Khandelwal also said on the increased fees of stars by Karan Johar and Farah Khan- The actors who are charging 35 crores, their films do not even seem to have an opening of 3.5 crores. How do these people agree to pay such a high fee to the actors. Not 35, I would not even give them 30 crores. Earlier these people used to demand 25 crores. It was fine then because people liked the films in Bollywood, but now even after taking 35 crores, their films are not working. First you pay the actors the price they ask for, then come in the interview and talk about their increased fees and salary. This is not right.

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