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A special announcement was made in the flight, then what happened made the boy blush, VIDEO

There is no dearth of lovers in this world and everyone wants to make their first expression of love memorable. People like to propose each other at special places and in special ways. Usually boys do such things for their girlfriends but recently a girl proposed to her boyfriend in such a way that he was surprised.

Aishwarya Bansal of Chandigarh herself shared the video on her Instagram. It shows that Aishwarya is going somewhere with Amulya Goyal in an Indigo flight. As per the plan, an announcement is made in the flight that ‘We have a special announcement for a special couple. Attention Mr. Amulya.’ Meanwhile, Aishwarya walks on the pathway and sits on her knees in front of Amulya. She has a ring in her hand and some people behind her are holding posters on which it is written – Will you marry me?

Amulya understands everything in a moment and gets embarrassed. He says yes to Aishwarya for marriage and Aishwarya puts the ring on his finger.

In the caption of the video, Aishwarya wrote- ‘Oh my God, it was better than what I thought. I wanted to propose him in some unique way and suddenly this idea came to my mind. I didn’t even know if the crew would give me permission for this or not, but now you know what happened’.

People are liking this cute proposal a lot on social media. People are also wishing the couple a lot in the comments. Many users called it ‘cute and heart touching’. One said- ‘I wish someone would propose to me like this.’

The IngiGo 6E crew also congratulated the couple in the comments section. IngiGo 6E wrote “Congratulations to you, may God give you both lots of love, happiness and togetherness. Some moments in life are meant to be enjoyed and lived to the fullest, wherever they are!”


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