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A man was entering the bus through the window, then what happened, after seeing that no one will do this again

Fighting for seats is not a new thing in India. Some want seats in the train while others have their eyes on the boss’s chair in the office. In this race, people do a lot of things and also suffer a lot of losses. One such case is going viral on social media, in which a person becomes a victim of an accident while trying to get a seat in a bus.

This viral video shows how a person tries to enter the bus through the window in order to get a seat. While he is trying to get a seat through the window, something happens which makes him a topic of discussion.

It is seen in the video that as soon as he tries to enter through the window, his foot slips and he falls down with a thud. Seeing this accident, the people present there are also stunned and cannot stop laughing.

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The video has been shared on the @PowerTrain_YT platform. Which has been viewed by millions of people so far. As soon as the video of this incident came on social media, people started sharing it fiercely. Some people could not stop laughing after seeing it, while some also made sharp satires on it. Someone said, “I have never seen such craze for seats,” while someone wrote, “This video shows the real face of the struggle for our seats.”

This video reminds us that in the race to get a seat, sometimes we ignore our safety. In this passion to get a seat, people put their lives at risk, whereas if we work with a little patience and understanding, perhaps such accidents can be avoided.

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