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A lorry driver takes many lives while driving his mobile, video surfaces

A video of a horrific road accident is going viral on social media. People are getting goosebumps after watching it. This video has raised serious questions about rough driving and carelessness during driving. In the accident, a lorry driver lost control while searching for a podcast on his phone, due to which the lorry overturned on the road.

This video is from Britain. In which a driver was saved from a terrible accident due to distraction. Actually the driver was busy searching for a podcast on his phone. During this time he lost control, due to which the lorry met with an accident.

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The video shows that the truck lorry breaks the railing installed on the roadside, turns around and turns rapidly. In this accident, a family narrowly escaped, they were just seconds away from getting hit by the lorry. Thankfully, no serious accident happened, but this video proved to be a lesson for the viewers that how dangerous it is to use mobile while driving.

Questions raised on social media

Questions have been raised on social media about the safety of this incident. Along with this, the driver’s irresponsible attitude has also been criticized. According to the Daily Mail post, the UK police has shared this video as a warning about how dangerous using a phone while driving can prove to be.

People on social media gave mixed reactions to this incident. Some people criticized the driver’s negligence, while some called it an eye-opening video.

Let us tell you, in India there is a fine for talking on the phone while driving. As per the rules, you can use the mobile phone only for navigation. Despite this, pictures of such accidents keep coming up in India where accidents have happened due to the use of mobile phone while driving.


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