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A girl was murdered in a closed flat, her friend was sleeping next to her… Inside Story of the mysterious murder in Bengaluru

Early in the morning of 28 August, a girl calls the Bangalore police. She is very nervous. She tells the police that someone has murdered her friend. Her dead body is lying next to her in the bed. This in itself was a very strange thing. The dead body was lying next to someone on the bed and she did not know who killed her friend sleeping next to her. Anyway, as soon as the phone is hung up, the police immediately reaches the address given by the girl.

House number 741, second floor, first block, SMV Layout, Kengeri suburb, Bengaluru. As reported, the police found the scene of the crime to be similar. Here, a girl’s body was indeed lying in the bedroom of the house. There were marks of a sharp weapon like a knife on her neck and the entire bed was soaked in blood. While the girl who called was standing at the crime scene, very scared and nervous.

A crowd of people had gathered there. The dead girl was identified as 25-year-old Navyashree. Navyashree was not only a very charming and cheerful girl, but was also a dance instructor by profession, who was associated with the Kannada film industry i.e. Sandalwood. But the question was who killed such a happy-go-lucky girl? That too in such a horrific manner, inside her own house? Who is that girl?

Even more strange was that when Navyashree was present in the house with her friend Aishwarya and both were sleeping together on the same bed, then how did Aishwarya not know about this incident. This was also no less surprising that how the murderer silently entered the house at midnight and how he fled stealthily after killing Navyashree. Why did no one hear him forcefully entering the house or Navyashree’s screaming and shouting before her death?

These questions were constantly troubling the police. However, the police started trying to understand the story of the murder by interrogating Aishwarya, the complainant and the only eyewitness of the incident. Aishwarya told that Navyashree was her childhood friend and both of them grew up playing together. Both belonged to Bhadravati area of ​​Shivamogga district of Karnataka and both of them were living in Bengaluru these days. About three years ago, Navyashree fell in love with a boy named Kiran.

Very soon both of them got married to each other. After this Navya came to Bangalore to join her husband and pursued her career as a dance instructor, but for the last few days, the relationship between Navyashree and her husband had soured. The matter had reached such an extent that now Navyashree started feeling threatened by her own husband Kiran. At around 9 am on August 27, Navyashree called Aishwarya and called her to her.


According to Aishwarya, her friend Navya told her that she was feeling unsafe in her own house, so she was calling her over so that she could feel a little better. After receiving Navyashree’s call, Aishwarya went to her. It was 4:30 in the evening when she reached Navya. According to Aishwarya, after this she also talked to a common friend Anil and asked her to meet him. After this Navyashree took Aishwarya in her car and left the house i.e. SMV Layout and both reached PR Nagar, from where they picked up their common friend Anil and then the three stayed together for several hours.

Actually, Navyashree was feeling very disturbed and wanted to talk to Aishwarya and Anil about her safety. Aishwarya told the police, “Navyaashree did not have a good relationship with her husband Kiran these days. Kiran used to doubt her and they often used to fight over this issue. After one such fight, Aishwarya called me to her on Tuesday. She told me that she was not feeling safe either at home or outside. So I should stay with her for some time. We both are from Bhadravati. We are childhood friends, so I went to her.”

“After this we went out, spent some time together and on the way we met our friend Anil, who advised Navya to go to the police to get out of this problem. But before she could do anything like that, Navya was murdered. She was a very good friend of mine.” Actually Navyashree was trying to find a solution to her problem by meeting her friend Anil and Anil had advised her to complain to the police.

Anil said that if the police call Kiran and punish him, then maybe next time he will think twice before misbehaving with him. After this conversation, on 27th August, the three friends had dinner together outside and then leaving Anil, Navyashree and Aishwarya returned to Navyashree’s house in SMV Layout. Since Navya and her husband were having a rift, her husband Kiran was not at home even then.

After this, Aishwarya stayed at Navyashree’s house that night and both the friends slept together. Aishwarya has told in her complaint to the police that she does not know anything about what happened after this at night. Actually Aishwarya says that after having dinner together last night, she also took drinks, due to which she was deeply intoxicated. She fell into a deep sleep as soon as she went to bed at night. But after this, when she woke up in the morning, she realized that her bed was wet. She told the police that when she woke up in the morning, her bed was wet with blood.


Aishwarya told the police, “I woke up at 6 am on Thursday. Actually, I felt the bed was wet. As if the bed was wet. But when I looked carefully, there was no one but blood on the bed. Navyashree was lying lifeless next to me. Her throat was slit and she was in a mess. I was completely terrified to see all this. A few hours ago, my friend who was with me, we were talking together and she was sleeping next to me, by morning someone had killed her by slitting her throat. This was like a bad dream for me..”

But Aishwarya’s statement was very shocking even for the police. To confirm, the police asked her that her friend sleeping next to her was murdered at night, that too when there was no third person in the house and she did not even know about it. How can this happen? So Aishwarya answered this too. She said that she was drunk. She slept deeply at night. She neither heard anyone screaming nor did she feel any knock.

In the investigation so far, the police had come to know that Kiran and Navyashree both had one key each of the house, because both of them were often out of the house for work and returned home at different times. The way the murderer entered the house at midnight and killed Navyashree and did not even touch Aishwarya or she did not even know about it, this was pointing towards the fact that her husband Kiran may have a hand in the murder.

Anyway, the last person whom Navyashree had told that her life was in danger was her husband Kiran. In such a situation, it is very possible that Kiran opened the door of the house at midnight with a duplicate key, sneaked in, killed Navyashree and then quietly left the house. That is, the entire sequence of this incident was pointing towards the fact that Navyashree’s murderer is none other than her husband Kiran. After the case was revealed the next day, with the help of his mobile phone location and other surveillance, the police caught Kiran.


The story is not limited to this. Some sources say that on the night of the incident, the murderer entered the house and tied Navyashree to a chair, tortured her, and then killed her by slitting her throat. Whereas Aishwarya has told the police that she found her friend’s body lying next to her on the bed, which was soaked in blood and the bed was also soaked in blood. In such a situation, even if for a moment it is believed that the murderer closed the mouth of Navya who was sleeping in the middle of the night and slit her throat and she died, then how did her friend Aishwarya, who was sleeping next to her, not know about it?

If according to the second theory, Navyashree was first tortured inside the house by lifting her bed, even then her screams or noises should have woken up her friend. But this did not happen here either. That is, on the surface, this case may seem like an open and shut case, the police may have arrested Navyashree’s husband as the murderer, but the case is not as straightforward as it seems. In such a situation, how and under what circumstances a dance instructor associated with the film industry was murdered is still a mystery. Did Kiran commit the crime alone at midnight?

Or was there someone else with him, this too is yet to be revealed. Experts are also trying to understand whether a person can fall into such a deep sleep under the influence of alcohol that someone gets murdered right next to him and he does not know anything. There are many questions. The mystery remains.


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