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Home » Today, a ‘dangerous’ missile was tested in Balasore, Odisha, 10 thousand people were shifted

Today, a ‘dangerous’ missile was tested in Balasore, Odisha, 10 thousand people were shifted

Last Updated on 24/07/2024 by wccexam Desk

10,581 people have been temporarily removed from 10 villages of Balasore district of Odisha. Because DRDO is going to test a missile. Before testing any missile, the range is prepared. Under which these villagers have been taken to a safe place. They have also been given compensation for this.

There has been no disclosure about the type of missile that DRDO is going to test. But the missile will be tested from Launch Pad 3 of Chandipur’s Integrated Test Range. The people who have been removed from the range live in an area of ​​three and a half kilometers around the range. The Balasore district administration has made separate arrangements for their stay.

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The district administration official said that these people have been shifted to safer places for their safety. Earlier, a meeting was held between the district DM Ashish Thackeray, SP Sagarika Nath and DRDO officials. Apart from this, people of nearby villages have also been alerted.

Adults were given Rs 300 and children Rs 150

The district administration had already told the people who have been evacuated that you will have to leave your house at 4 am on 24 July 2024 and go to a temporary camp. You can go back to your house when you are told. The compensation given to the people will be transferred to their bank account. Every adult has been given Rs 300. The child has been given Rs 150 and Rs 75 for food.

SMART Missile

DRDO, smart missile, Chandipur, people relocated, Balasore, missile test

DRDO may test the Supersonic Missile Assisted Torpedo System (SMART). This is a next generation missile based standoff torpedo delivery system. This system is designed to enhance anti-submarine warfare capability far beyond the traditional range of torpedoes. This missile system is of advanced technology. It has two-stage solid propulsion electro-mechanical actuators and precision inertial navigation. It can cover long distances.

Doomsday Missile

Pralay missile is a short range surface to air and surface to surface missile. Its range is 150 to 500 km. Pralay’s speed is 1200 km/hr. But it can go up to 2000 km/hr. The advantage of short range is that it will destroy enemy bases near the border in a jiffy. If it is fired from near the border, it will not take much time to destroy China or Pakistan’s bunkers, cannons, military bases or their weapons depots.

DRDO, smart missile, Chandipur, people relocated, Balasore, missile test

The accuracy and speed of the Pralay missile makes it the most lethal. This 5 tonne missile can carry a conventional weapon weighing 500 to 1000 kg on its nose. The technology of three missiles has been used in making this missile. These missiles are – Prahar, Prithvi-2 and Prithvi-3.