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Home » Protesters Storm U.S. Capitol Ahead of Netanyahu’s Speech, Dozens Arrested

Protesters Storm U.S. Capitol Ahead of Netanyahu’s Speech, Dozens Arrested

Last Updated on 24/07/2024 by wccexam Desk

Protesters stormed the U.S. Capitol building on July 23, 2024, ahead of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s scheduled address to Congress. The demonstration was organized by Jewish Voice for Peace and primarily focused on opposition to the ongoing Gaza conflict, with participants chanting slogans such as “Let Gaza Live!” and wearing red T-shirts emblazoned with “Not In Our Name” to express their dissent against U.S. military aid to Israel.

Details of the Protest

The protest began with a sit-in at the Cannon Rotunda, a significant area within the Capitol that houses offices for members of the House of Representatives. Hundreds of demonstrators participated, with some reportedly becoming disruptive, leading Capitol Police to intervene. Officers issued warnings before making multiple arrests, binding protesters’ hands with zip ties and escorting them away from the scene. Among those arrested was Jane Hirschmann, who described herself as the daughter of Holocaust survivors, emphasizing the moral imperative of opposing violence against any group, including Palestinians.

Context and Reactions

Netanyahu’s visit to Washington, which included meetings with President Joe Biden and a speech before Congress, has sparked a wave of protests both supporting and opposing his policies. Many demonstrators criticized the Biden administration for continuing arms shipments to Israel while calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Protesters expressed their frustration with the administration, indicating that Netanyahu’s actions were symptomatic of broader U.S. foreign policy issues rather than the sole focus of their protest.

The protests are part of a larger series of events surrounding Netanyahu’s visit, with additional demonstrations planned for the following days, including a vigil for families of hostages held by Hamas. In anticipation of these events, security measures around the Capitol have been heightened, with road closures and increased police presence to manage the protests and ensure safety during Netanyahu’s address.

The protests have drawn comparisons to the January 6 Capitol riots, raising concerns about access and security in the Capitol complex. However, the motivations and organization of these protests differ significantly, focusing on advocacy for Palestinian rights rather than insurrection.

As the situation develops, the protests reflect a significant moment in U.S.-Israel relations, highlighting the contentious nature of military aid and the ongoing conflict in Gaza.