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Biden Considers Step Down from 2024 Race, Declines to Endorse Kamala Harris as Successor

Biden Considers Step Down from 2024 Race, Declines to Endorse Kamala Harris as Successor

Last Updated on 19/07/2024 by wccexam Desk

Recent reports indicate that President Joe Biden is increasingly receptive to the idea of stepping down from the 2024 presidential race, but he is unlikely to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor. This development comes amid mounting pressure from Democratic donors and party leaders concerned about Biden’s viability as a candidate.

Biden’s Potential Withdrawal

Biden’s consideration of stepping aside has been influenced by several factors, including his recent performance in debates and concerns about his age and cognitive health. Influential Democratic figures, including former President Barack Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have reportedly engaged in private discussions with Biden, urging him to reconsider his candidacy for the good of the party.

A significant virtual meeting among Democratic donors highlighted the urgency of the situation, with many expressing that Biden should withdraw to enhance the party’s chances against former President Trump. These donors have indicated they may withhold financial support unless Biden shows a substantial lead in poll.

Lack of Support for Harris

Despite speculation that Harris could be positioned as the next nominee, Biden’s reluctance to endorse her is notable. Reports suggest that he has previously expressed doubts about her ability to win a presidential election, and he continues to question her electability. This lack of endorsement could lead to a more open and competitive nomination process at the Democratic National Convention, should Biden decide to step down.

The Future of the Democratic Ticket

As discussions about Biden’s future intensify, the focus is shifting to potential candidates who might join Harris on the ticket if she becomes the nominee. Names like Senator Mark Kelly and Governor Andy Beshear have emerged as possibilities, while other prominent figures, including Governors Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer, have expressed disinterest in the vice-presidential role.

The evolving dynamics within the Democratic Party reflect a growing urgency to establish a clear path forward for the 2024 election. While Biden has not made a definitive announcement about his candidacy, the pressure from party insiders and donors may soon force a decision that could reshape the Democratic landscape.